Fantasy Thief Gear Suggestion

I've been trying to do renders of an original character of mine and then I spotted this part of the forums so I thought I'd suggest this.
Essentially the character's a thief in a series of Fantasy stories and a novella I wrote. She tends to favor snug fitting clothing (less to get hung up on anything) and a belt with a pair of long daggers at her hips. I described the belt as sort of like Batman's utility belt: it has a bunch of smallish pouches that she used to carry stuff she might need like her lockpicks, etc.
I can't find anything that really comes close in the store so I just thought I'd throw this out there because I'm new at Daz and don't know how to physically make my own props and clothing.

2200 x 3279 - 1M
This might work for part of it with a leather shader
I was really more looking for something to use for the belt. She doesn't generally wear skin tight catsuits as that generally screams "HI! I'M UP TO NO GOOD!" to all and sundry. :-)
the belt
Heres a few that i like depending on your style
Just realized your attached file is a woman, you can try this (will have to recolor the textures to match but its pretty close)
Possibly the freebie Retro Heroine at Rendo:
Maybe if you know the copyright holder's views as being happy about ripping game models for Devil May Cry (some are happy, others are not and I don't know withh this one - which is why I have not created it as a working link, copy the text between the - signs) - . If nothing else, it may be a good image to be inspired by when creating a model.