Need help finding this Gen 3 - 8 Model

Hi gang, I have seen this model used alot by Aeon Soul - she is shown in this product. I would like to buy this one but they never post the name of her: Skin Effects: Dirt for Genesis 3 and 8 Female(s) | Daz 3D. Cheers and thanks again for your help.
I believe that's their custom character Alice.
-- Walt
Thanks MimicMolly, too bad they would release a version of Alice for sale. Cheers and thanks again :)
Thanks MimicMolly, too bad they would release a version of Alice for sale. Cheers and thanks again :)
There was a V4 version at Rendo, but no longer available.
This is a quick and dirty attempt for V4 to Genesis 2 and then Genesis 2 to Genesis 8 (I forgot the eye fix morph so her pupils sre shaped strangely and didn't bother with the textures so i used a Raiya texture).