Need a cave/cavern with an entrance

I am in the process of creating a horror story, and need a vast cave/cavern interior that also has an entrance to it from the outside. This can be modular, where I have to build my own out of parts (and can even be kitbashed), but the main requirements would be the interior has to be somewhat vast inside and something where I can install a pool/lake with an altar.
I know caves exist on this site, so unless I am not really thinking of the existing products, anyone have any suggestions?
Not really sure what you want.
But if I remember right RGRinchy has modelled a cave using dForce in this thread
Personally I would likely go into blender and model it there.
PW Twin Peaks Mountain Cove | Daz 3D
PW Caves of Cave Island | Daz 3D
The Cave Island | Daz 3D
PW Productions has a few more like that, although TBH I find their "nature" texture usage kind of bland and very lo-rez, so I'd suggest investing in some stone and ground shaders too if you pick these up.
Thank you! I'll take a look. As far as shaders go, that's not a problem, I can get some