Hair for hats

I know there are several hair models that come with hats, but there are several outfits that come with a hat that just don't seem to work well with hair. Yes, there are several hat/helpers available also but sometimes they pull in hair where it still doesn't work with the hat.
My suggestion is maybe not a full head of hair, but pieces similar to the pieces OOT did with Winter Hats. Try them out on various hat styles and make a generic set that fits under most. Could be bangs, sides, a back piece or even mix and match.
If you can't get a hair helper to work with your particular hat/hair combination, how do you think your generic hair set is going to work?
Here's how I'd do it if I couldn't hide the hair in-render: Render the character with hair and hat, accepting that the hair will stick through te hat. Make the hair invisible. Use the spot render tool, and select "render to new window" in the tool options. Drag the marquee just around the hat to render that bit with no hair sticking through. Combine the two images in photoshop or similar.
Thanks for the suggestion....I will give this a try
. As with anything there is never a perfect solution...that being said, if the front pieces were props they could be fitted to the figure and you would you be able to move and rotate (tiny bits of course) but it would make fitting under the front of a hat easier without pulling the hair into the forehead.
I went over to systematically use this when I wanted to use a hat on a female character:
It has a "Hat" and "Cap" function and works (for me) much better than the Hat-helper.....