Content Pane problem

Was working on a scene when all of a sudden the base directories vanished from content pane.

I cannot re-add now because right mouse click also stopped working.

What happened and how do I fix it?

No access to content basically renders DS non functional.

I do not use SQL at all BC that is useless when assets on a separate server to be accessed by multiple machines on network.  Other machines are fine.


  • [SOLVED]

    Well was due to brain dead Windows 10. For some reason unknown to man kind W10 is terrible about managing dual monitos.

    Win 7 does just fine. ( Win 7 last good OS from MS, all down hill since )

    Has habit of randomly deciding to change resolution on monitor #2.  When I right click a menu item over on the left of the work space the menu opens farther to the right than it had.  Since I have my content pane to the right of workspace the window was opening some where a foot to the right of the monitor!

    I reduced the size of the workspaceo on screen and found that right click was working but had shifted some where closer to Bill Gate's house than mine.

    I went into settings for that monitor and told to make things 125% insead of 100% and now menus pop where they are supposed to be.

    I did NOT try messing with the actual resolution because the last time I tried to do that my mouse refused to travel over to monitor #2. That took an hour to resolve...again.
    I want Windows 7.2 !  I will not change my other macines to soon as I can get Linux/Wine working for DS I won't even boot windows on this machine.

    [ Side note, sure wish DS would find a few programmers who know how to port this to a native linux version. After all MacOS is built on linux base so how hard could it be?]

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