In Search of This Female Character

SFAMSFAM Posts: 50
edited August 2021 in Product Suggestions

I'm trying to find the attached character.  I beleive this is one I already own, but from long ago, and I have no idea of the base figure..  If you don't recognize the character, maybe you know of a similar character?  Not sure if the eye color or make-up are original or some of my fumblings.  I know the hair is a quickie style test.

OR, I'd appreciate a suggestion for a good face morphing tool for DAZ Studio to help me create such a face on the Genesis 8/8.1 Female figure.  Thanks!


432 x 323 - 106K
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  • Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio question.

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50
    edited August 2021

    Thank you, Richard.  I didn't realize the missed distinction.

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  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    No idea who she is, but as for a good face morphing tool, the base morphs for each generation of figures have all the morphs you need to create most any face. You just have to play with the dials to get the right look you want

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50
    edited August 2021

    Thank you for your reply, Michael, but as a long-time dial spinner, I must say I've never seen base figure face controls that could replicate this particular face. - specifically, the angle and wide-set of her eyes and face.  The makeup I could acheive by modifying the skin mat in PS, but I'm not aware of any face dials that could change a base figure to create those angled eyes, face shape, and her gentle wide nose.  But maybe I'm missing something?!  Maybe you've installed some extra morphing tool years ago and forgotten?  Maybe I'm not using the best base figure (usually Gen 8 for most of my current female figures).  With all due respect, if you think you could do this, I'd love to see a quick example of matching (just the eyes), with your shared dial settings. This new realization of the possibilities of base figure face dials would make my life infinitely easier!  Thank you once again!


    Post edited by SFAM on
  • I am pretty sure you could get pretty close to it with these.

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

    Thank you, GhostofMacbeth!  I'll check that out.  I was also looking at a DS morphing tool titled 200 Plus Face Morphs (or something similar).  The shape and angle of he eyes seems to be the key, but the softer, flatter/wider nose is a secondary concern.  The image I posted is one I found on a very old flash drive, which makes me believe I bought this character somewhere along the line.  Wish I could find that info and files.  I also see some very cool clothing from that era that doesn't seem to be available anymore - or I just don't know where to find it.  Thanks again for your suggestion!



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    if you already purchase it here in the past, it should still be in your product library to d/l again.

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

    That's a good point, Michael!  But this might go back to the earliest days of DAZ, and I'm not sure those earliest purchases were tracked back then.  Also, it could have come from Renderocity or ? (seems like there were some other places you could buy characters at that time).  Or it could even be a Poser character - I don't remember how those characters looked.  But she's definitely not in my current DAZ library or orders.  I'm not even sure this was MY art.  I may have seen this alluring face on the web somewhere and saved it for a reminder of something to explore later.  But I do think this is a 3D model/character that exists somewhere!  So if I can't find her, I may need to create a similar creature because she's a perfect blend of oriental and african tribal influences and would make a perfect heroine for one (or more) of my fantasy artworks. Thanks again!

  • chris-2599934chris-2599934 Posts: 1,840

    She has the look - to me - of a character by Sabby. It seems to me that Gingersnap has the exact same pattern of freckles, though it's not her because her eyebrows are different. So maybe look through Sabby's store here and on Rendo to see if she reused those freckles on another skin.

    What's the date on the file from the flash drive? That might narrow down the search a little.

  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50

    I agree it looks like some of Sabby's work (if I could see this mystery lady's breasts I could be even more convinced - and that's the strangest quote I have for the day!).  I want to say this might be a creator's name I can't quite remember - something like Aerie Fantasy (off DAZ for a looong time), who made some wonderful fantasy armor and outfits, but not sure he/she created characters.

    Checking the file date was a great idea, but this was just one image I isolated from a grouping and the oldest date I could find was the compilation date 8-6-17.  And I suspect this lady is much older, like back in the earliest days of DAZ or when I was using Poser more.  Thanks for your suggestions - I'll give Sabby's store a peek, even though I think I remember many of her older works are missing, understandably.




  • HylasHylas Posts: 5,073

    Sabby sounds right. But if you're trying to replicate her, I think P3D might have some good starting points:


  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50
    edited August 2021

    Thanks for your suggestion, Hylas!  I gave P3D a look, but didn't see anything that struck me as right, except for an add-on (looked like Rihanna) to another character, and I'm cheapskate enough to only want to buy one character.  The problem is the angle and spacing of the eyes, for me.  And the subdued nose helps too.  It's a very ethereal thing for me.  I want to instantly feel a sense of a tribal native of mixed races - mysterious, alluring, and kind of innocent, and yet also tough and adventurous in a way  Kinda Avatarish without the Smurfiness.  But of course, the heavy eyeliner makeup is needed for the full effect.  Thanks again - I do appreciate your input!



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  • richardandtracyrichardandtracy Posts: 5,945
    edited August 2021

    I think Sabby Shania is close ( Though to my eye the character face looks a bit 'sharper' than pure Sabby, possibly FWSA ( ? Maybe.. dunno. Not convinced.) The extreme 'sharp' end of character shapes is 'Noosha;, and I do think the character is part way on that spectrum from pure Sabby to 100% Noosha. Getting to G8F is easy with RiverSoft Art's morph transfer - I've a nice G8F 'version of Noosha'.




    Post edited by richardandtracy on
  • SFAMSFAM Posts: 50
    edited August 2021

    Wow, Richard, I really think you've hit a homerun here with your Noosha suggestion!  I initially doubted your choice as she was presented in such a pasty, Euro manner.  But this is a starting point, not a final destination!  After further examining her eye shape, angle and distance, and the rest I decided to give her a test - placing her face over the mytery lady's face.  Well the attached compilation image tells the tale! 

    The four images show (from left), the straight mystery lady, a 50% blend with Noosha overlaid, a 100% overlay (with my silly PS smudge tool hair test), and then 100% Noosha from her store page. Of course the overlays are rough as the two faces are at slightly different angles and other factors.  I'm confident I can reach my goal with Noosha and a little dial spinning, skin tone adjusting in PS, and proper hair selection.

    It may have taken a village to get to a good starter, but I feel this is it.  Thanks to everyone who helped get me here!  Especially to Chris-2599934 for seeing the Sabby in her, and richardandtracy for the bullseye Noosha pointer!

    I'd still love to hear from anyone suggesting an exact match, or any ideas for tribal hair and outfits.

    And I guess I need to learn about this character converter to change G3F to G8F.  Not sure how clunky G3F was, as I'm using G8F for most of my recent lady models (I'm an artist, not a model pro).  I got some nice results with ol' V4 through the years too. (I never understand all these updates and their true benefits - as long as I end up with interesting people who model as I need, I'm happy!).

    Thanks again, everyone!!!


    1728 x 323 - 349K
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  • I am glad that looks as if it'll work. Must admit Noosha is an alternative leading lady for me. If I need a bit of variation from my usual TritiumCG character, Noosha is usually the first choice. Your character looked familiar, but not quite recognised. Do hope the dial spinning works.
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