Vanishing mouse cursor- soutions?

BrycescaperBrycescaper Posts: 148
edited August 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

I brought this up a few years ago (six or seven, somewhere around then) about after complex calculations in figure body movement such as being in active pose and the mouse button sticks and grabs Victoria 8's left foot and drags it through her head to stick out her right ear- talking about putting your foot in your mouth- and the mouse arrow visibly disappears from the viewport, the panes, anywhere in the workspace, even though I can find its loation by mousing up or to one side til its location passes over a control link, such as the navigation cube or controls, or if I pass over the scene tab, highlights the assets and their dependents (i.e. figures and their limbs). I work with multiple figures in a scene and lose track of who is who in their position in the scene, which is always changes as you rotate the cam to a different angle. Back then I didn't seem to get much attention, and there were no solutions offered or told it was just a glitch in the matrix. . My best-case solution is to immediately undo the last function, Save by CNTRL+S, close Studio after saving, open Studio anew and reopen the scene. It is irritating because it breaks the continuity of workflow creativity- I may or may not remember just what I was about to move or adjust, It's like getting a phone call while reading a book, and you have to reorient yourself and find your place (while mentally cursing for not putting the phone to route automatically to voicemail). I'm curious if anyone else has other solutions (as this has happened on multiple computers running from Windows XP to 10 and everywhere in between over the last fifteen years, I CAN'T be the only one experiencing this). Thanks for any observations, workarounds or suggestions you may have.

Post edited by Brycescaper on


  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    It reappears if you click the shading type dropdown at the top of the viewport, IIRC.

    Hopefully it's just a Qt4 bug, and it'll get fixed when Daz Studio 5 is released.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    And what triggers it is clicking with left and right mouse button at the same time on one of the 5 "white" viewport controls.

  • I turned in a trouble ticket on this issue (literally) years ago and at least 1 major version of DAZ Studio ago.  I have lost track of the ticket, but I wouldn't hold your breath on it getting fixed.


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