Natarthos - If I have content in one scene I want to use in another how do I do it?
I'm imagining that copying it would be the best method otherwise there would be some really hefty links out there. But what happens if I wind up deleting the content from one scene but still want it in the other scene? Will both be affected?
Each scene just has pointers to the content, deleting it from one scene doesn't affect any other scene. The best way to save part of a scene for use in another scene if there's more than one object involved (such as a figure with hair and clothing) is to save it as a scene subset -- this lets you select what parts of the scene you want to save in the subset, and insert them into another scene by double-clicking on the scene subset.
On saving scenes and scene subsets: a scene is a closed asset, so when you load it, it will remove anything you may have had before loading it. A scene subset will merge into your scene, so it is generally more convenient. Any asset saved is, by default, stored in Presets folder in the directory you put your content to. Subfolders inside are named sensibly (Morph preset, Scene subset, Material preset etc.). You save by choosing "Create", then your type of asset, for examply "Scene subset".
Those are default behaviours - you can merge a scene into another via the File menu, or by right-clicking on it in a content pane.