Poser clothing to Daz Studio

Does anyone know if there's anything that exists to convert poser clothing to daz3d clothing? I would like to convert my poser stuff that I purchased by accident not knowing it was for poser. It doesn't work right on my genesis 8 characters. I just purchased clothes converter 4.0 (https://www.daz3d.com/clothes-converter-4-0) but it looks like I just wasted money since it converts cr2 to cr2 and not cr2 to duf, so that's useless to me and $40 down the drain. The description was not informative that it will not convert to genesis 8. I've wasted money on stuff trying to convert poser stuff to genesis 8 and nothing works and I'm getting a bit irritated at the lack of information in the descriptions of these items. I've purchased all the gen x2 plugins to convert a V4.2 character to genesis 8 but that fails me too...more wasted money. I could appreciate the help. I don't want to purchase anything else unless its going to work as I know I can't get refunded if it doesn't do what I want.


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    Clothes Converter 4.0 does not claim to create .duf files. The general rule is that if a product does not say it supports something, assume it does not. It is good for converting between Generation 3 (i.e., V3, M3) and Generation 4 (V4, M4, etc.) and many older Poser figures. Anyway, if you purchased it less than 30 days ago you can get a refund. Don't hesitate.

    Strictly speaking, Studio creates native versions of Poser products when loading them, no need to convert them if using with the intended figure. It is done automatically and used internally. You can save them from Studio and they will retain this information if you re-use them.

    There are other clothing converters from Riversoft Art and Sickleyield that will convert Millennium Generation 4 clothing to Genesis 8: RSSY Clothing Converter from Victoria 4 to Genesis 8 FemaleRSSY Clothing Converter from Michael 4 to Genesis 8 Male. There are also version to convert to Genesis 3, and from Genesis 1, 2, 3 to Genesis 8. There are even several others to convert hair and props in their catalogs.

    GenerationX2 and all add-ons will get you to Genesis 3, no more. There is a product to transfer from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8.  XTransfer - Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 Converter.

    There are probably some freebies out there to do some of these conversions. I cannot testify as to their quality, but it might be worth your while to investigate.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    you have 30 days for a refund no questions asked

    in the New Users forum you will find many helpful links and tutorials 

    anything V4,M4,A4 etc you actually don't need to buy anything as it can be domino autofitted to genesis 1 up to Genesis 8

    knowing whaf figure the clothes is for and how you install your content would help people help you too

  • commo81commo81 Posts: 19

    Thank You for the help. I appreciate it.

  • As said above, but saying it in isolation lest it get lost. DS can read Poser-format fiels directly, there is no need to convert to .duf format for that. Beyond that, it depends which figure it is for - the paid converters may well do a better job but you can just load the Victoria 4/Michael 4 clothing onto Genesis and let AutoFit convert it, then fit the result to Genesis 8 and let AutoFit handle that.

  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,353

    NorthOf45 said:

    Clothes Converter 4.0 does not claim to create .duf files. The general rule is that if a product does not say it supports something, assume it does not. It is good for converting between Generation 3 (i.e., V3, M3) and Generation 4 (V4, M4, etc.) and many older Poser figures. Anyway, if you purchased it less than 30 days ago you can get a refund. Don't hesitate.

    Strictly speaking, Studio creates native versions of Poser products when loading them, no need to convert them if using with the intended figure. It is done automatically and used internally. You can save them from Studio and they will retain this information if you re-use them.

    There are other clothing converters from Riversoft Art and Sickleyield that will convert Millennium Generation 4 clothing to Genesis 8: RSSY Clothing Converter from Victoria 4 to Genesis 8 FemaleRSSY Clothing Converter from Michael 4 to Genesis 8 Male. There are also version to convert to Genesis 3, and from Genesis 1, 2, 3 to Genesis 8. There are even several others to convert hair and props in their catalogs.

    GenerationX2 and all add-ons will get you to Genesis 3, no more. There is a product to transfer from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8.  XTransfer - Genesis 3 to Genesis 8 Converter.

    There are probably some freebies out there to do some of these conversions. I cannot testify as to their quality, but it might be worth your while to investigate.

    I am hopelessly forced to onvert from G2 and G3 to G8 by hand. My recommendation: pay if you can for a plug-in to do it.

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