Help to identify these Characters and Outfits.

Can anyone help identify these Characters and Outfits, I am really hoping the forum people can , as I have looked and can't seem to find them, and according to DAZ SUPPORT, these are CUSTOMER CREATED images, so they have no list of the assests used .
Cheers Geordie

1132 x 798 - 2M

820 x 916 - 1M

1678 x 945 - 3M
Well, in the fist one the human male character is Abasi and he's wearing the cloak from Wise Wizard HD Clothes possibly with one of the textures from the Texture Pack, the non human male character is War Goblin and it looks like he's wearing Bone Breaker Armor which is the same armor set in the black & white image from your third example.
As for the rest, someone else will have to chime in, but I know that the woman with the wolf image is by @melissastjames so maybe she can tell you what she used there.
First attachment: middle is definitely Abasi HD for Ashan 8, right is War Goblin HD for Genesis 8.1 Male. Left looks a little like a BlueJaunte character like Amira, but I'm not convinced that it is.
Second attachment: no idea. I might browse my assets and see if I have an outfit like that, but no guesses on the character.
Third attachment: far (edit: whoops, RIGHT) is STF Bone Breaker Armor on whatever character was used for that promo; hard to say with the face covered. To the left on the bottom is Beneath Fire Mountain. To the left of that and above is the cover image for the Jazz 8.1 Knight vs. Giant bundle. I know you were looking for characters and outfits, and not all of the answers I gave were for those specifically, but they should be at least somewhat helpful. I don't know about any of the other components in that image.
[Most if not all] of these are promos for Daz products, so it's maybe a little strange that Daz support couldn't help you, but I suppose they can't be expected to recognize every promo that's ever been used when they're not attached to the product.
Gordig, You are awesome, Thanks for the info :)
Here are a few of them, one is called the Legend, woman with the red cloak in the first shot i posted.
I think some pieces here are mixed because the knight in the shot could be one of these edforce amor's or it's a combination of few different barbarian sets one being called STF Bone Crusher for gen 8 which is a nice set. The male knight fighting troll i think is Western Knight gen 8.
Thanks Cenobite, Thats helps a lot :)
Still no one can I dentify the girl in the white outfit ( first pic ), she and the outfit I would really like to have :)
Thanks Guys
I thought it looked like an OutofTouch promo, but I couldn't find anything in their catalog that matched the image.
edit: found it. It's MRL dForce Fantasy Hair Pack, which covers the hair. Several BlueJaunte characters are listed as being used in the promos, including Amira, so I think I was right the first time, and the outfit is definitely dForce Duchess Dress.
I found it: The hair and judging by the promo credits at the bottom of the page, the dress is probably and the character probably
Thanks guys , hit the nail on the head :)