Red Morph Boxes - Any fixes

Hi there, tried asking in an older thread about this but got no responses.

I'm trying to get Genesis 2 Male Creature Creator Morphs HD  to work, but the icons/boxes/sliders appear red rather than green and don't function.

I initially thought it was a 32bit vs 64bit issue but after installing the 64bit version of DS I've found the problem persists.

Any idea what causes the red box issues as illustrated in the attached image?


1173 x 586 - 192K


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    The colour of the boxes have no bearing on their functionality. All my Creature Creator morph dials are the same. The HD Details controls won't show much on their own. They are meant to add more detail to the base morphs, and won't show much in preview mode. You need to render something to see the effect, and you must have the resolution set to High and Subdivision level at least 1, maybe 2, even more if needed. Of course, each level doubles the number of polygons.

  • Great, thanks. I'll give it a shot.

  • Reporting back - turns out the issue was that I'd missed a whole installer but your advice got me on the right problem-solving track.


    Thanks again.

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