WANTED: Multi colored Martial Arts Belts

There are many, many different forms of martial arts: Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, etc., and even within these arts, there are many different styles, schools, etc. -- Many of them having their own belt ranking structure.
I would like to see a martial arts belt that can be pre-colored to any color (or, maybe offer a dozen of the most common colors : white, yellow, orange, green, brown, black, red, light blue, dark blue, purple, etc.) and ten strip zones which can also be pre-colored to any color (or, maybe offer a dozen of the most common colors : white, yellow, orange, green, brown, black, red, light blue, dark blue, purple, etc.).
The reason why I suggest ten zones is because a tenth degree black belt is usually the highest level. The ten strip zones would take care of that.

Should be pretty easy to do with an image editor on the texture or using the geometry editor for new material zones.