Windows Update broke DAZ Studio- viewport has a mind of it's own!

As usual a recent Windows update has caused problems with my PC, but this time it's affecting DAZ Studio 4.15.  When I open the program the view port starts panning from right to left uncontrollably without any input from me. It also happens for any cameras I might have in a scene. There are no error codes whatsoever. The view port just keeps panning ad infinitum.  I just updated my NVIDIA driver and that did nothing. I also tried rebooting and even a full shut down.  

This update also caused problems with my Cintiq 22 at the same time. For the first time ever the driver stalled and I had to restart it  in the Services app.  Creative Cloud is also acting a little hinky, but that's something one lives with when using that app.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

System specs   year old HP Omen gaming rig running  fully updated Windows 10

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070- newest driver installed 20 minutes ago

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz


DAZ Studio 4.15


  •  Ideas for things to try whenever the program(s) go goofy.
    1. Put new batteries in mouse.
    2. Change the layout of the program, hit accept. Then change the layout back to what you want, hit accept.
    3. Close D/S and reinstall it.
    4. Send in a ticket to CS giving them details.
    4. So far I have not tried this but theoretically one is supposed to be able to roll-back a Windows update.

  • Thanks for the fast reply. I don't use wireless devices with my PC. Wireless intereferes with Wacon drivers and Photoshop. Same for bluetooth. Reinstalling DS  didn't work. As for sending in a ticket.. The last time 2 times I did that I never got an answer. I was going to try changing the layout as you suggested, but DS is not loading. So another reinstall may be on the books.angry

    Windows is telling me I can't roll back even even though the update dropped a 3 days ago. In the past I thought we had 10 days, I guess that's no more. But my PC is grinding slow this am and that usually means another update, so we'll see what happens. If all else fails then a full reset might be neededangry

  • You have a Wacom tablet? try disconnecting it. I've never seen the issue you have, but occasionally when I start the system and scrollable window the mouse pointer is over will scroll down without intervention; unplugging the tablet and plugging it back in usually fixes the issue.

  • Thanks for the reply Richard. I have a Cintqu 22, but I don't use it with DAZ Studio or any other 3D app.But I'll remember your advice "just in case". 

    Amazingly a miracle just happened. I tried opening DS one more time before reinstalling for the second and it's now working. The view ports and cameras are stable and responsive to my inputs.  It must have been one of those crazy 'Windows update gremlins".cheeky  Really Bizarre! 

  • Apologgies  for typing errors. The DAZ 3D site completely crashed while I was trying to post. I tried 3 different browsers on my pc with no luck. Thankfully the iPad worked!

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