dForce basics - how to chain dForce simulations

Dear all,

I've been trying to create a scene where there's a jacket thrown over the arm of a sofa.

My idea until now has been to use two separate dForce simulatons to get the job done. The first simulation uses a 'dForce magnet' helper object to bunch the jacket together on the vertical. This works just dandy. I get a nice bunched jacket shape. The second step is where I fail. After rotating the resulting bunched jacket by 90 degrees into a horizontal position, I do a second dForce simulaton to get the now horizontal jacket to fall across the sofa arm. However, I haven't figured out how to 'bake' the first simulated shape into the mesh of the jacket. Thus, when I run the second simulation the jacket jumps back to its original unbunched shape and just sprawls across the sofa arm.

Clearly I'm doing something wrong and/or uneducated... could some kind soul point me in the right direction?


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    dForce simulation always starts with the item in its default state. It's not currently possible to dForce an item from an already dForced starting position. You could try to combine the two simulations into one using the timeline, and if you're not already using the timeline for simulation, I strongly recommend that anyway. You could also export the results of the first simulation as an .obj, then re-import it, apply a dForce modifier to that, and simulate it.

  • @Gordig - thanks so much for your input.

    I am indeed using the timeline, and I've tried combining the two simulations on the timeline before but I keep on having the jacket snap back to its original unbunched shape.

    I haven't had much luck with the OBJ exporting. I never get back the jacket... just some aweful blob or other unrecognisable thing when I import the OBJ back into the scene. I guess I need to spend more time wading though awful youtube videos to learn how to export stuff properly. Sigh.

  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481

    Run simulation 1. Export obj at base resolution.  Re-import using morph loader pro.  Run simmilation 2.  This way you will not need to apply new dforce modifiers or mess with shaders since that will all be intact.

  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    I was going to suggest what Spacious did, convert the simulation to a morph then dial in the morph and run the second simulation.  I do simulations with a timeline.  If you don't have the wonderful dForcetoMorph from the store there is a tutorial here by ShibaShake

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