Loading scenes with textures already applied... not what I need

I have a really frustrating problem.
Earlier today, and long before that, whenever I'd load up a file, character, prop, w/e in DAZ, it would always show up as grey/white/uncolored... otherwise without texture to it. This is pretty much what I'm talking about, if a visual helps.
All of a sudden this afternoon, I don't know if it's because of an update or what, every single scene I try to load now automatically loads with the texture already on it in the Posing/Shaping submenu, except for hair for some inexplicable reason. Like somehow diffiusing/texture stuff is automatically turned on.
I primarily use DAZ as reference for my artwork/design stuff, and having it all be that unified grey-ish color was helpful when it came to shading (much less having a general idea of how things would look from weird angles), and not having so much stuff distracting from it. This is just a hot mess. I tried doing a complete uninstall-then-reinstall of DAZ, but that didn't do a single thing. (Eh, it was overdue anyways, my files were getting unruly)
I'm at a complete loss for what to do. Is there a way I can just switch it off in the Posing/Shaping menu like it was before, or am I plum out of luck?
Thank you.

For most products loading with textures is expected/functioning properly. You can always select all the surfaces in the scene and use the base shader to make them all white.
In the upper right corner of the viewport, above the cube, is a round ball -- pull that down and switch it to "Smooth Shaded".
... Well, now I feel like an idiot for not noticing that sooner! D:
(Eh, I needed to do a fresh reinstall anyways, haha)
Thank you both so much!!