HELP IDENTIFY could it have its own Section?

Can someone tell me this hair...
What skin...
Anyone know where the jacket comes from...
These questions get scattered all over the forum landscape, until Richard scoops them up and dumps them into the "Product Suggestions" forum.
I see the Product Suggestion sub-forum as a place where customers talk about items that don't exist in the Daz-verse with the hopes that Some PA sees it (or a crafty PA to be) and maybe takes on the task or, members chime in with a suitable substitute... so maybe "Identifying Assets" should be its own sub-thread?
Or, an alternative would be to change the name of the thread to "Product Suggestion and Identify Thread"... then... maybe folks would know where to put their Identify Questions and Richard would have more time to relax...
Product Identify Thread seems like a bad idea IMO. But that's because there's no way I'd wade through one to look for what I want, since it'll be too big. People sometimes don't link products in the forums, so I can't find them with the DAZ Deals plug-in.
To me, it would be better if they edited the Product Suggestions forum description to "All suggestions, ideas, identification, or other feedback concerning products, both existing and desired." As is, just sounds like a give ideas to PAs forum, when I mostly see people asking for help finding assets for their projects.
They have an identifying thread/section/subforum on Rendo and it seems to work just fine. I think product suggestions should be for discussing ideas for products.
I disagree, but then again I never ask where things in promos are from, I find them myself or even better don't recreate what I see in promos, just saying.
If there was a seperate forum, more would go unanswered since it would be easier to skip over a whole forum more than a post. At least seeing them here makes me more inclined to look at it. I am fine with the naming of the forum as is. It has been pointed out in other threads that many PAs don't even visit this forum or are told not to as new PAs for whatever reason.
Maybe. The real traffic is in The Commons. This is a sideshow. I'd sometimes look at the ID posts when they were in The Commons. Sometimes, I even knew the answer - Not often. These days, not at all.
It seems Sickleyield sometimes looks here. I doubt she's looking for ideas of what to do, but she might be interested in what people are saying.
But I'm not a moderator? I'm just a Published Artist.
Sorry, SY. I don't understand. "Just" a published artist? No. Actually, I think you're the most generous and helpful PA I've ever met, and you're a gift to the Daz community. That's a fact.
For context, FSMC said, "It has been pointed out in other threads that many PAs don't even visit this forum or are told not to as new PAs for whatever reason." I know you look here because I saw your recent post about your work on a high heel morph solution. I hope you're successful with it. AFAIK, you look in many forums around here. If you're also a moderator, that's a well-kept secret.
I think "Product Suggestions" should actually be divided into three: Product ID, Product Suggestions (e.g., "Could anyone suggest a church interior environment?"), and Development Suggestions (Content items and Daz Studio features you'd like to see/might buy, plus complaints about high heels and non-functioning doors).
At the risk of having this post pulled down, I think the forums would be more enlightening and interesting with better categorization for posts. If most the site views go to a catch-all category like "The Commons", then the subforums don't have that much value, and all discussion is just general discussion.
Richard tends to move requests for identification into Product Suggestions (if they happen to get posted somewhere else first), so it does seem as if what you describe is already the effective de facto meaning of Product Suggestions.
My own feeling is that there are enough "What is this product?" messages that they could reasonably get a section of their own -- but quite a few people have asked for that and it hasn't happened yet, so I'm not holding my breath. I think DAZ are cautious about creating new sections, and I am prepared to take it on faith that their reasons are good.
Well, maybe these requests should be called 'Need to Find This' or NFT - there's an inactive forum already in existence with that name, seems a waste not to make a beneficial use of it...
Just saying that it needs to be more obvious, that way there would be no need to move threads since they're already in the right place.
I used to agree that DAZ was hesitant in creating forum sections, but they made an NFT section. It has a handful of threads and more than half of them are locked. (Honestly, all that should've been kept in the Commons.)
I unironically agree with this.
They get moved if they are in a wrong place (e.g. the Daz Studio forum for content searches, or the Freebies forum). If theya re in the Commons then they are left since that isn't actually a wrong place.
Can someone tell me this hair...
What skin...
Anyone know where the jacket comes from...
These questions get scattered all over the forum landscape, until Richard scoops them up and dumps them into the "Product Suggestions" forum.
I see the Product Suggestion sub-forum as a place where customers talk about items that don't exist in the Daz-verse with the hopes that Some PA sees it (or a crafty PA to be) and maybe takes on the task or, members chime in with a suitable substitute... so maybe "Identifying Assets" should be its own sub-thread?
Or, an alternative would be to change the name of the thread to "Product Suggestion and Identify Thread"... then... maybe folks would know where to put their Identify Questions and Richard would have more time to relax...
I agree there should be a seperate thread for asking whats what in a product image it gets totaly anoying seeing ppl constantly asking this
The main reason I come to this forum is because 7 times out of 10, when someone asks for something, it already exists, either here or elsewhere and I try to help them find it or give suitable alternatives. Mainly because I know what is invloved in creating assets for DS and it's not usually a quick, painless process so waiting for a PA to even consider making what they might want, isn't going to happen right away unless it's a fairly easy model to create.
I still feel if there was a specific forum for people looking for items in promos, then it would get a whole lot less traffic and most would go unanswered. At least being here they have more of a chance of getting an answer or suggestion IMO
A Gallery for Promo images with a complete list of the used products.
IF someone enjoys answering those "what is this" kind of questions, I'd think you'd be in heaven if there was a dedicated thread to it... And folks would know exactly where to ask as well...
My thinking was that a specific thread would make it easier for hunter and seaker....
But obviously that would run afoul of DazForumLogic.
So, scatter them to the wind! They can be like Easter Eggs...
And Richard can spend his time, kind of like the Boarder Collie of wayward posts, and corral them to wherever he sees fit.
Some forums use WCIF tag (Where can i find ... ?) in the topic title.