Pls help i am new and dumb

Hello. I get it there are tons of tutorials and threads about how to start with daz and manually install content but i watched a few videos and read some posts and SORRY but i don't get it.

I have files for daz. Now i want to upload them in daz. 


I following paths: 

pc>programs>daz3d (and no library or "content" folder there)

and i have

pc>documents>daz3d>studio>(my library, content library, render library)

where do i put the files now?

i also don't find folders like "people" etc. do i have to create those by myself?



I think its hard to follow ppl's tutorials who are fluid with this kind of language and think ppl know at least some sort of things. but i don't.


or at least link me tutorials, posts which REALLY go step by step for total retards.


i appreciate this. thank you for reading


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    For a beginner it is probably best to use one of the installers - Daz Central, which puts everything in a  single master folder, or Daz Install manager, which allows more customisation of what goes where. Given your uncertainty I would suggest using Daz Central, just point it to the drive you want to use (assuming you have a small, SSD boot drive and a larger, mechanical hard drive for D: I would thing set its location to D:/Daz Stuff/ or the like).

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