Looking for a free, morphable baby bottle

Does anyone know where I can get a fee baby feeding bottle with a removable top and morphable liquid (level, empty and tilted for feeding).? I have looked around and have found some baby bottle models but nothing that has all of the features I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
No, but that sounds like a fun thing to model if you can't find one...
Hi perlk,
I've been looking for some time now in the Daz store, other well know stores, several freebie sites and I haven't actually found one that has morphable liquid and a removable top. A few do have a top that comes off but the morphing liquid would be very useful for scenes where a baby is being fed.
Moved to Product Suggestions as it is a request for, not an offer of, a freebie.
I think I have seen a beer bottle with morphing liquid inside somewhere, maybe you could attach a teat to it and use that instead
Ok, but I'm a little bit puzzed by the rules around this as I was asking if anyone knew where to find one, not asking someone to make one (although that would be great). In the previous thread where this was located, someone was asking about an item in a similar fashion as I was and they weren't moved, so I am unclear as to how this actually works. Someone even offered to make the item the poster was looking for.
We try to remove requests/in search of threads from the freebies forum, other than one thread that is specifically for requests. If we miss one feel free to flag it (by clicking the link by the timestamp).
You can try with this.
I am not really sure how to pack such items, so it is in fact 5 props: bottle, cap and 3 milk levels - that must be parented in order to move as one.
There is one texture - a normal map for the cap. UV layouts for the bottle and the cap is included in the zip.
Updated the zip. The previous was a work-in-progress with wrong content.
This is fantastic! Thanks felis.