Environments/Sets/Rooms from Tesla3DCorp error sayining need DSF from NVIDIA MDL folder

LIke i have AvilGuest Room, and Avil Entertinment Room and it won't  load the textures correctly because it says the folliwing files could not

be found and then it point out to

data/daz 3d/nvidia mdl examples/......etc    that nviidia mdll examples folder, where do i get it from? it wasn't included in the installation


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,554

    It is in "Default Resources for DAZ Studio", one of the files from the installation package. It also has a ton of other stuff, so you would have many more problems if it wasn't installed. Maybe try re-installing that part.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    NorthOf45 said:

    It is in "Default Resources for DAZ Studio", one of the files from the installation package. It also has a ton of other stuff, so you would have many more problems if it wasn't installed. Maybe try re-installing that part.

    Thanks alot for the info , it was an easy fix. It turned out that i never installed it , because in DIM the first popup window that comes up Offers me to install Genesis Essentials etc and one of the offers is Default resources and i always just closed that window always, since years now. But today i noticed it..So i just searched for Default resources in my  DIM downloads, and it appeared and i downloaded it and installed, and guess what? now my Testla3D Environments load with no errors at all and all textures load properly :) Awesome!!!

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