Strange Saving Issue


This one is (to me anyway) very strange.  It has to do with texture files.  I have an asset for which I carefully checked the pathnames to the texture files before saving, and the path names were correct.  I uploaded it.  All fine.  Now I have some folks showing me errors when they load the assets.  I checked this and it does indeed throw errors, even though the pathname in question is not the pathname shown in the "surfaces" panel.  I've saved lots of assets over the past few years, and this is the only time I've ever seen this particular problem.  I extracted and checked the .duf files in Notepad, which DO show the incorrect path that is throwing the errors.  However, as I said, after carefully rechecking the Surfaces tab, the images listed when hovering the image panel show the CORRECT path.  Even stranger, when I saved the asset without making ANY changes, it began loading without throwing the errors. Very strange.  I've made a video screen capture of the problem if anyone would like to see it before offering input.  This is not urgent, as I can simply resave the assets.  But it is odd.



  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    What is the error?  Where are textures located on your computer (full path)?

  • Causam3DCausam3D Posts: 207

    Ok nevermind, I see what I did.  :)

  • Causam3DCausam3D Posts: 207

    jestmart said:

    What is the error?  Where are textures located on your computer (full path)

    It was a texture image file error, but as I said, it was my mistake.  I found it.  Thanks! 

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