Save Render Preset Doesn't Save Filenames

nategovannategovan Posts: 35
edited July 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

To reproduce:

  • Create new scene
  • Add any item onto scene
  • Amend render settings to include (viewport of iray) - Render Type: still image, Render Target: direct to file, Image Name: any valid image name, Image Path: any valid image path
  • File -> Save As -> Render Settings Preset -> Select File -> Ensure all properties checked -> Ensure compress file uncecked -> Click Accept
  • View .duf in text editor
  • The `renderImgFilename` property is not present
  • Note: Same with the `renderMovFilename` and `renderSerFilename` is image series or movie render targets are selected

Has anyone else run into this issue?


Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Moved to Daz Studio Discussion as it is not a scripting issue.

  • nategovannategovan Posts: 35

    Apologies for putting in the wrong section, my mistake, thanks!

  • nategovannategovan Posts: 35

    No one else with any issues saving render presets?

    Does anyone know if the current state render settings are meant to be saved when you save the scene? It's not working for me either.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Since you had posted in scripting forum, people thought you were trying to make a script to save render presets which would save all your renders to a file with the same name.
    Still don't understand, why would you want to save all your renders with a same filename.

    Render presets saves your rendering settings, so you can load the same settings to whatever scene you are rendering.

    When you save a scene, the rendering setting are saved into the file with everything else on the scene, no need to save them separately.

  • nategovannategovan Posts: 35
    edited July 2021

    Apologies for lack of clarity. Let me explain my use case and what I perceive to be the problem and maybe someone can chime in.


    As part of a single scene (with multiple cameras, frames, camera specific visible items on/off etc), I wish to be able to persist a number of independent render settings (lets say, one for each camera). Along with different render settings, I also intend to save the destination file name (or series name) along with those render settings. The persisted render settings file (including the destination paths) and the scene file itself (with a little basic config) will allow me to programmatically queue the renders when it's convenient.


    When the render scene presets are saved (manually or programmatically, but I've highlighted the manual option above), even though the destination properties are highlighted in the export, the saved .duf does not contain these values. It may be that there is difference between the General > Image Name / Path property and the renderImgFilename from DzRenderOptions, but I would expect the property to be persisted.

    Or a better question to those in the know is, how can I persist the destination file names so that they can be retrieved later (through native daz files rather than saving to my own external config file for programmatic import and export). Eg, what .duf objects to I have to write to change the General > Image Name / Path property / renderImgFilename properties in a scene, from a .duf.


    Hopefully that brings a little more clarity to the situation.


    Post edited by nategovan on
  • juvesatrianijuvesatriani Posts: 556
    edited August 2021

    I have same problem . In my case it used for generating "fake multipass render "  .

    Same object/scene with  4 different shader set  + lighting set >  4 render session which generate 12 files for postwork automation  (1 Diffuse  + 6 Shadow Pass + 1 AO and 4 Outline Pass) . 

    Consistent output file name needed because those specific  "names" already set in automation script 

    Most of render setting including GENERAL ...> Direct to File option can be saved , but the file name doesnt . The exception is Shadow Passes which rendered using Free Multi LIGHT pass Script  plus auto generating file name based on light in scene

    For now , I keep doing manually for other render sessions . Another method which I`m not yet have chance to try is save those session as separate files with specific name ( FLAT + AO + OUTLINE SET etc) and find  good batch render script 

    So I`m asking same question like @dangarfielduk , is possible to make those name saved in render presets? Or  maybe another solution to make that happen ?

    Post edited by juvesatriani on
  • Would it be possible for anyone from the Dad team to comment that it is expected behaviour e.g., that the paths don't get saved to a render preset? I've also had a support ticket open for a week but no luck. Any insight would be appreciated.
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