Can't load prop since updating to 4.7
I have the fantasy and sci-fi effects props, and everything was working OK with DS 4.7 until I tried to load two of them into a scene. This also happens with a blank scene on a fresh restart of DAZ 4.7... I get an error that just tells me to read the log file. When I do, I see this:
Opening file MultiSphere.daz...
Error setting pointers while reading file F:/My DAZ 3D Library/B9999_FX/MultiSphere.daz : C Exception: Memory Access Violation - Attempted to read memory at address 0x00000000
Error loading file F:/My DAZ 3D Library/B9999_FX/MultiSphere.daz.
DAZ then locks and won't do anything, and I have to shut it down and restart it.
Other props like swords and clothing and characters so far have loaded in fine... this is the only set of props I have a problem with. I have confirmed that the files are in the proper location, so that is not the problem.
Has anyone seen this happen, and what is the fix? Should I uninstall and reinstall the props?
EDIT: I tried uninstalling/reinstalling and it did not help. No other props or objects so far are an issue except these.
I'm having the same problem with the 5 .daz files from that product. I'm going to submit a bug report; in the interim, if you install the Poser version you can load the Poser props and then apply the DS material presets.
The last time those props worked right was in the last stable release of D|S2. I'm still on D|S4.6, they do load, but the MATs — which are in an ancient binary-encoded script format last seen in D|S1.8 — can't be applied normally. The only way to apply the MATs is to drag the icons from the Content tab onto the prop in the Viewport. I'm sure I raised a support ticket about this a few years ago, IIRC I was told it wasn't practical to rebuild the whole product. A pity, it's still pretty good (when I can get it to work), and the flexing morphs are easily set up to direct a zap exactly where you want it.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I think I did try the Poser versions and couldn't get those to work either but I will re-try them. I didn't realize they were such old content. Shame, really... they are very nice for putting some 3D SFX into the scene. I mean, I can do the same thing with Photoshop but it's quicker and easier to use the props unless I need a very specific effect.
Hmm... don't give up so quickly, did your "couldn't get the Poser versions to work" cover loading the Poser-format props themselves, or adding the D|S-format MATs to them once loaded? As I said, I still use D|S4.6, and from what I've read in other threads some things seem to work a bit weirdly in 4.7 — but I have now got all the props loaded into D|S, and saved as individual .duf scene subsets.
The ancient MATs still can't be loaded directly on to the props by clicking on them, but dragging and dropping from the Content Library tab directly on to the prop definitely works. I'm not sure if this is because of the ancient script format, or something glitchy in the script itself; but since there are over a hundred of them, I'm not going to start converting and resaving them myself! ;-)
Well, you were right. I tried again with the Poser stuff and I got the multisphere to work. So I guess I can still use it, as long as I use the PS rather than D versions.
That's good. Just remember to always use the D|S-format MATs, not the Poser-format ones — these textures might be fairly simple and straightforward, but they're just as prone as a complicated skin MAT to look weird when you load the Poser version.
Thanks for the tip. I'm not sure which mat I used but I didn't really play with it... just confirmed that it would work.
I just bought this too :( ... seems like it should be in the 99cent bin if it's broken. Saving as presets is good idea... Not all of them are working for me.. even if I drag the textures to the item... I can't get some items to open up... DS or POSER.. and the ones I can get to load... the textures are really dark. Am I going to have to manually fix each one? That could take a loooooooong time... (sighs)... I may just have to submit for a refund :(
Yeah, mostly this is still broken for me. I can get the Poser props to work some of the time (but not always). When they don't work, DAZ hangs and I have to shut down and restart. When they do work, the Poser mats will NOT work with the Poser props. Nothing happens when I try to apply them. The DS mats will work, but the color is always grey.
At this point I'm not sure it is worth bothering with. I bought these long ago and used them a little so I will just shrug it off and work with photoshop to do the FX. But if you just bought it, you should definitely ask for a refund.
And I think DAZ shouldn't just put it in the 0.99 bin. If they are not going to work properly, and we have to fight with them, DAZ should take it down from the store entirely. Or at least warn that it is only good for 4.6 and EARLIER.
yes .. I ditto what Steven said.... At least put a warning on the product.
I don't give up so easily Steven.. the textures are all there... I think I can MAKE them work... I'm gonna give it a try before I do anything rash like ask for a refund... I have a little time. (crosses fingers)
If I figure anything out while playing with it I will let you know.
As will I... let you know :)
I too have this problem - i can load the props with Das Studio 4.9... i not longer have or use poser..
You don't need Poser to load the Poser-format files in Daz Studio.
A good rule is that .daz files should be avoided as much as possible and load the .cr2 from the Poser files in the Content Library and then apply the .ds MATs. .daz files, specially the old ones are buggy and clash with the new and much cleaner .duf format. One good thing to keep in mind is that if you use .daz files, you cannot move the content item from one computer to another if you have two machines, with .duf that works. Good if you have two machines, one render slave and one you build scenes on.
Not quite absolutely impossible, but close enough, but it isn't a simple operation. And often times, it is not obvious as to what is missing, which is preventing it from working. That's on top of the bugginess of the format.