it's possible to add "new bones" to a genesis figure and "rig it"???

hello anyone know if possible add new bones to a genesis figure like a "breast bones" or add hair bones, i means that because since i'm using daz characters for gaming dev and use it on unreal i want to add bone oriented physics to the characters like breast physics but for that i need to add the "bones and rigg it to inside unreal add the physic be for breasts or hair or any other place, then anyone know if possible do that direct inside unreal without need any external program like blender and by doing that if it also must be done to "outfits" or they "auto follow the rigging of the main body when i add then?


  • CenobiteCenobite Posts: 206

    You might have to graft bones some way, changing nipples on the mesh requires grafting if you not using the parameter settings so i assume new skeletal structure would be the same, but more involved considering any new addition must have movement coded into the new format. i don't think it's just glue some new wing bones on the upper back like you would parent an object to a body.

    Breast physic's you add Breast & Glute controls, there is a tutorial on the interwebs for it, just google it.

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,390

    Cenobite said:

    You might have to graft bones some way, changing nipples on the mesh requires grafting if you not using the parameter settings so i assume new skeletal structure would be the same, but more involved considering any new addition must have movement coded into the new format. i don't think it's just glue some new wing bones on the upper back like you would parent an object to a body.

    Breast physic's you add Breast & Glute controls, there is a tutorial on the interwebs for it, just google it.

    i know about the "controls" the problem is which it would means add it to "each animation" which would be a lot of work, while the other way would be just by attaching new bones enable the "physicis" on it in the same way of hairs, you can add in unreal the breast, butt and belly by adding bones physics and it will work on any animation without me needing to add it manually to each animation which is the issue. 

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