Construction site crane

I wanted to do a construction site with a crane and I was unable to find one either here or in the usual sites.
There are a couple of dock cranes at renderosity, and maybe also here with some kitbashing, but not the T-shape cranes that are found in construction sites.
I found a couple of stl models that can be imported (unrigged and probably untextured).
Or I can try to model of some basic bars and to do the assembly in D|S, but I am not sure that the result will be excellent
Si if there was a nice rigged and textured model of a crane, I would have purchased it.
There is a T crane in this, but I am not sure how detailed/rigged it is:
Good catch! The crane seems a bit minimalist, but it may be a solution.
There is a tower crane for Hexagon over at Sharecg. If you type Tower Crane into the Search field it will come up. There are also several other cranes that show up if you just use crane in your search. There are also several different cranes in the Renderosity free stuff.
Thanks a lot, I will check that.