Daz Studio crashes when I delete items from scene
When I delete "major" things like characters or, in this case, a Jumbo Jet, Daz Studio crashes. I can delete minor items like clothing and primitives, but not people.
I have tried to restart the computer. No difference.
What should I do to get this working again?
Post edited by reserv888 on
What version of Studio and what are your computer specs?
Version (64-bit)
Intel Core i7-4930 3.40 GHz
Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit
Strange thing is, that after leaving the computer for six hours, the problem is gone! Heating problem?
EDIT: The issue is back again. Daz Studio crashes when I delete a character from the scene.
I noticed that, too... that DAZ Studio 4.7 crash more often than 4.6. not to often but from time to time (2 or 3 times per day) when I delete something (even small things) or cancel a 3Delight render.
(I use Windows 8.1, i7 with 2.4 GHz)
I can reliably reproduce this crash.
follow these steps,,
1) Load the Ready to Render scene "Day at the Beach"
2) Select everything in the scene tab.
3) Right click and select "delete selected items".
.... at this point Daz Studio crashes for me.
I'm on Daz Studio (64bit)
Windows 8.1 (64bit)
AMD fx-8350 4GHz 8GB RAM
I try what icecrmn say and I can reproduce this, too.
I checked all items by it`s own... and the crash only happens when I delete Genesis 2...
These are the last lines in the Log File. The strange thing is that the Log refer to files that been not used in that scene...
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/sickleyield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/PBMBBGLiftHelper02_proj.dsf#PBMBBGLiftHelper02_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/PBMBBGLiftHelper02.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/sickleyield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/PBMBBGLiftHelper01_proj.dsf#PBMBBGLiftHelper01_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/PBMBBGLiftHelper01.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper04_proj.dsf#FBMHeavyHelper04_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper04.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper03_proj.dsf#FBMHeavyHelper03_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper03.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper02_proj.dsf#FBMHeavyHelper02_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper02.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper01_proj.dsf#FBMHeavyHelper01_proj?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/SickleYield/BigBeautifulGenesis2/FBMHeavyHelper01.dsf
WARNING: fileinput\dzassetdaz.cpp(5217): Could not find output property for formula: GenesisFemale:/data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/AlFan/TEMPTATION and DRAMA/MCMTearsGrief3Girl6.dsf#MCMTearsGrief3Girl6?value in file : /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 2/Female/Morphs/AlFan/TEMPTATION and DRAMA/PHMTearsGrief3.dsf
update 2:
the same Log File appear in Sci-fi Warrior Bundle Ready to Render Scene but nothing happen when I delete it - no Crash.
back to try with Day on the Beach and now I got a Fatal Error
Reaason for Error
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "D:\Programme\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DzCore.dll" at 0033:00000000B705CDB0, DzNode::getNodeParent()
I saved the error report and send to the support
I have the same problem, as well. Also always crashes whenever I have one scene already opened, and I try to open a different saved file.
Does anyone know if this been resolved in the 4.8 version? I've recently started working with some rather large scenes (2 Urban future 4, UF 1 and UF 2, plus characters and other props) and when I go to delete something from the scene, I often have to wait anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour or more for the item to be deleted and Daz to start responding again.
Daz is only using 6Gb RAM of my 16GB total.
Well after some digging, I found what my problem was.
I did a show hidden nodes in my scene and found thousands of reality metadata nodes (I'm working on a graphic novel and do a lot of merging and deleting in scenes)
That really confused the heck out of me since I don't have reality (or any of the other extra render plug-ins for Daz) Well apparently some objects already have this data (such as Urban Future 4) so when I make multiple copies of that, merge it into a scene that's already got multiple copies, delete some stuff, rinse and repeat then the amount of reality nodes increases pretty quick.
Going through and deleting them out of the scene fixes this, but with the current state of my later scenes this takes forever to do.
Ah that explains a crash I just started having when deleting something seemingly irrelevant from my scene. I'm working on a webcomic, and like you I am often using scenes over and over again. I don't make a new scene every time. I preserve the lighting and character positions for the next panel and then just edit the poses and move them as appropriate to take the next shot. I add new things as needed (e.g. a car driving past the characters that wasn't there in the next shot) but usually leave everything in place and just turn it off if i don't need it, in case I need it again a few panels later. By now I have quite a lot of unnecessary objects since it is a very long scene, and when I tried to delete some old stuff from early panels that is just not necessary any more, I get crashes like this... and I bet this is what is doing it.
I think for now since I only have a couple of pages to go, I will just leave stuff in the scene and turn it off. Lesson learned for next time. :)
I can't remember exactly what I was doing, maybe parenting or fit to or something and I noticed all these reality nodes showing up in the list. I brushed it off as I don't use (or even have) reality but I noticed it getting harder and harder to delete things from a scene. So I saved just the props figuring I could just get down to the characters and get them set as I want, then merge the props/city scene afterwards but even that wasn't working.
So I started trying to search the forums and google on the problem and ran across a thread about reality duplicating nodes when merging and deleting and the poster had mentioned "showing hidden nodes" and seeing thousands of reality nodes.
I tried that just to see, and sure enough, just in my city scene alone was over 5,000 reality nodes :(
Holy crap, I just found this as well. Although, for me, it was Octane render. Thank you for the detective work!
Hundreds of Octane render nodes that have no business in my scene considering I don't use Octane render...no Daz user does...Octane render is a Poser exclusive render engine.
What I really get is lag so bad that I have to wait 20 minutes for Daz to actually delete a figure. removing something shouldn't be this hard...it's the absence of an item right? I just know that since 3.2 Daz has been going downhill on a bullet train...with too few improvements at the xpense of too many bugs. the worst of which is IRay....which may as well be Reality for as hard as it is to use and as long as renders take.
What? No it isn't.