Joint editor Moving bone position is moving my mesh with it

RL_MediaRL_Media Posts: 339

OK, so I been going through a set making "zero load peices", I have been moving the endpoint and center point to put the hotpoint at the mesh, instead of way off wherever in space. Been going dandy for an hour or so. Now though out of the blue, when I start moving the points, my mesh starts moving as well, it didn't do that before. Did I inadvertantly hit some hot key that activates this behavior? Before I been able to roughly center the mesh with universal manipulator, then go and reposition the root bone without the object moving any.

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  • thornthorn Posts: 3

    Got the same thing today, just happens to an imported object *.from an obj file, other props work fine. Coukd solve the task by putting my obj into a new Group and on this group the joint editor seems to work as expected.

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