Bullet Proof Vests for Genesis 8 male and Female

Hi there,
As a suggestion/request for upcoming designs I would love to see some one create a standard bullet proof vests and/if which can be worn underneath clothing like overalls or jacket.
Not a bulky design, but kinda more like a slim fit design. Doesn't need any logo or naming (like Police or FBI etc) just plain will be fine.
I have seen other types of Vests on Daz3d, but I think they are too bulky.

236 x 402 - 16K
Will this one work?
or do you need a concealable(under the clothes type) one?
edit:the one I linked is for Genesis.I don't have it so not certain the autofit would work well on it.
Yeah I have that one. And it's good. I have auto fitted the flakvest on 8 and it looks good.
Alhough I would like someone who can make a concealed one like the one I've shown either inside clothing or outside. A thin type design.
I can usually edit and adjust the clothing over the vest.
Well if it can, that would be cool to see,
Actually, here is design I was thinking of from the game Payday 2.
(Note, I'm interested in the gun and mask, just the vest desgin)