Permanent Installation of Assets

Question about Permanent Installation of Assets. (I wasn't sure where to place this: Technical Help, New Users, or Daz Studio Discussion. It seems relevant to them all. I'll try here!)
BACKGROUND 1: I bought a load of Daz stuff. By default it was installing on my C: SSD. That was soon full, so I needed to take a step back and work out how to install and access assets from my D:. My main desire is permanent installation of assets. i.e. I want to install all assets on the D:. so they 1) get backed up as part of my regular D: backup, and 2) don't fill my C:.
BACKGROUND 2: The Daz site and install systems seem to be a bit confused. The main Daz site seems to recommend Daz Central as the way forward: it is what you get pushed towards when you go to download Daz Studio. However, the Help pages about software don't even mention Daz Central, and instead only refer to Daz Install Manager (DIM), which I get the impression is older software that Daz is moving away from: As such, it seems to make sense for me not to base my process on Daz Install Manager, since presumably that will disappear at some point, fully replaced by Daz Central. So this is a bit confusing. It also explains why the forum posts covering problems like mine have left me more confused than ever, since many of them are older and only refer to DIM, so don't necessarily apply. To add even more confusion: in Daz Central you can click on a gear icon and there is an option called "Base Path Location". But there is no explanation of what that is a base path for. Installed assets? Saved scenes? Daz Studio? Temporary files? As I say, the help Wiki doesn't even cover Daz Central, so it's hard to find out what anything really means. I changed the base path to my D:, installed an item, opened Daz Studio, the item showed in Smart Content, but when I tried to load it everything had an excalamation mark and failed, so I am not sure if that option is a red herring and doesn't work at all.
The third reason for putting assets on my D: is that I sometimes resinstall Windows. I want to store content on the D: so that if I reinstall Windows, and then reinstall Daz Studio, I DON'T have to reinstall all my content (which comes to many GB and would take days of downloading an item at a time).
So, in this scenario, assuming I had used Daz Central to install assets to my D: (and that it worked - I don't know exactly what to xchange and what order to do it in to get it working!); if I then reinstall Windows and Daz, can I point the freshly installed Daz Central to the content on the D:. to save installing it all over again? Is there some other metadata that needs backing up and restoring so that Daz Studio knows where to look for the existing smart content? I imagine this is a common scenario (not wanting to spend days having to reinstall all the Daz assets just because you reinstall Windows, or change to a newer version of Windows).
Once I know what to do it will be brilliant, because then I only ever have to install items once, but will still have access to them if I reinstall Windows (and still have access to loading stuff via Smart Content).
Otherwise I get the impression that the only way to do this is to MANUALLY install content on the D: by unzipping files into a Content folder there and pointing Daz Studio (not Daz Central) to that folder (which is why I am trying to do it that way). This has downsides, such as Smart Content not working; many older items may not work properly; the file structure being determined by the asset's creator, and not being consistent; Daz refusing to support users who chosoe manual install; and also some issues where unzipping things reveals the same path and file names, but different file sizes, so it isn't clear which file to keep. I'd like to avoid all that if possible, which is why I'm hoping I can install via Daz Central once, but get Daz Studio (and Daz Central) to recognise the content even after I reinstall Windows, after I point it to the correct places for content and any metadata.
Fingers crossed there is a way to do this! I imagine my scenario is a common one, of a user buying lots of assets; wanting them on the D:; and not wanting to have to reinstall all the assets if they reinstall Windows or upgrade their hardware/PC. Any advice on a simple procedure to achieve this will be highly appreciated!
[In an ideal world I guess there would be no separate DIM, DazCentral AND content settings in Daz Studio - you'd just do everything in Daz Studio, which would be a normal downloadable (and savable) installer. It would be much simpler, all settings in one place. Then I'd be able to have assets on D:, and back up some Daz Studio config file. Then if I changed computer I would install Daz Studio again, replace the config file with my saved one, and it would find and use all the content on my D: exactly the same as before. That's how most of my other software works.]
Daz Install Manager and Daz Central are the same core with different interfaces - Central isd simplified for new users (the only choice is of the base location, from which everything else then branches). Install Manager continues to be developed, and is the tool to use if you want to do anything other than lump everything into sub-folders of a single location (if you install it it will pick up the Daz Central settings to start with).
DAZ Central is not a replacement of DIM, it is something DAZ has created for new users to install DS and whatever assets the user has bought and when using DAZ Central, everything is installed into one base directory and it's sub-directories.
Manual download links for everything you have bought from DAZ store can be found in your "My Account -> Product Library", but the concensus is that DIM is the best way for installing DS and content.
Thanks Margrave. So, if I do it that way (presumably I'd start over again to prevent problems - uninstall Daz Studio and content, install DIM, use that to install Daz Studio and content) then I can have assets on the D:, and still have Smart Content etc in Daz Studio. So that is half of my goals.
As to the other part: if I reinstall Windows, or get a new computer (where I'd copy my D: backup contents to the new PC's D:), and repeat this process with the same paths, would DIM and Daz Studio then find all my existing installed D: assets? Or would it get confused in terms of metadata and not "see" it in Daz Studio? If the latter, is there some file I could back up and restore to fix that? Or would installing Daz Studio on my D: as a matter of course fix it?
The last possible option would be letting DIM keep the zip files it downloads, and then get the newly-installed version to reinstall all the assets from the zip files (which at least saves downloading everything again). The downside with this approach is that, presumably, everything I buy would take up space on my hard drive twice, once as a permanently saved .zip file, once as the actually installed version (so 40GB of content might actually take up 80GB of HDD space due to the duplication)?
If you go to the Content Library and right-click "DAZ Studio Formats", you can add a folder on your hard drive alongside your main content library. I presume you can also use this to switch your main content library, but I've never done it that way. I'm not sure if there's some special handling required for the default content folder.
Installing manually is also an option, which some users prefer because the main content folder is a nightmare due to some PAs' lax standards for organization. You can keep the ZIP files, but as you mentioned they will bloat your hard drive up.
Thanks Richard, looks like DIM is the way to go! So that would work even for reinstalling Windows/new PC, saving redownloading everything? (See my comment to Margrave, above). Cheers!
Thanks PerttiA, if Daz Central puts EVERYTHING in subfolders of a single location (includign Daz Studio, and presumably all its settings; also zip files of all content) maybe that means Daz Central is my best bet to save everything? So that would work even for reinstalling Windows/new PC, saving redownloading everything? (See my comment to Margrave, above). Though I guess since there are fewer options with daz Central, it downloads the zip file, installs it, and keeps BOTH? Cheers!
No Central is not the best choice. Stick with DIM, when you run it for the first time check the Work Off-line box and then set your preferences.
Thanks jestmart.
So, if I have this right:
Uninstall my current setup and start fresh,
Install DIM.
When I run it for the first time check the Work Off-line box and then set my preferences.
Install assets on my D:. [And Daz Studio?]
Then if I reinstall Windows, do the same, but this time point at the installed D: assets, and Daz Studio (Smart Content etc) will recognise it and work with it, without me having to reinstall everything? If so, that should fix it!
If you have the zips Install manager will use them, as long as they are in its downloads folder (the location of which you can set).
Take a look at this thread and the one it links to:
Richard: "If you have the zips Install manager will use them, as long as they are in its downloads folder (the location of which you can set)."
Right: so I would have to INSTALL the content again (if I reinstalled Windows), but I wouldn't have to DOWNLOAD the content again? So in that case I would delete the existing content on D: but not the zips, then install from the zips via DIM?
I wish Daz had a foolproof guide for this scenario!
If you saved the zips that DIM installs from then no, you don't have to download again. All you have to do is put the zips in whatever location you set as your default download folder. Once the zips are in there then they will show in ready to install within DIM.
If the content is not installed to the C: drive then it would survive a reinstall of Windows. If younmove the ContentCluster folder out of the C: drive (Edit>Preferences>CMD Settings, makes sure Daz Studio, Install Manager, and any other applicatrions or tools that use the content management system are closed before copying/moving the folder itself) then even the database would survive, though you would have to reset its location in preferences.
Thank you everyone for the advice! Okay, I have read everything here and in any old help guides and other forum threads, tried to make sense of a procedure that should work. There are a few questions along the way, but in general have I got this set of instructions right? Any errors? Have I missed anything? I feel like this should be something Daz tells you, rather than having to piece it together from different web pages, forums, wikis and help guides!
The issue for me is that I don't just want to install assets on the D:; I want a fresh install of Daz Studio (e.g. if I reinstall Windows or get a new PC) to be able to find and use those installed assets exactly as before I reinstalled Windows, so I don't have to download and install the assets all over again.
Uninstall all my current stuff so I can start fresh.
Use Daz Central to uninstall Daz Studio and content, then uninstall Daz Central through Windows.
I may still have to do manual cleanup, since it's made overly complex by Daz Studio not having its own installer:
Download and install DIM from
Run it, login, but tick "Work Offline" (so I can set my preferences).
Then follow the instructions at
Downloads info:
"In the top right corner is a small Gear icon. This is where you access your settings."
"Downloads - Allows you to set the location to save your downloaded files"
"The Downloads and Installation pages are where most of your customization will take place. In Downloads, you tell the application where to save the files you download from your store account.
"Download To Where - Click the “ … ” browse button and choose the location you want the application to save any content installers it downloads from your account. This can be on your local drive, or an external location."
So I set this as a location on my D:, so it will survive Windows reinstalls etc. Maybe a folder called Daz Downloads.
Installation info:
"Installation - Allows you to set and add Content (Runtime)install paths"
"Once you have your location added, switch over to the Installation Page… "
"If you use one program and have a single location set for content installation, you will see “Recommended Folder”."
"To change the Recommended Folder location, click the “…” browse button next to the path in the list. Browse to the new location."
"Any added locations will now be available in the Install To: drop-down selection above."
Again, I set this as a location on my D:, so it will survive Windows reinstalls etc. Maybe a folder called Daz Content.
[Question 1: I will have pointed DIM at the content, do I then have to do something similar in Daz Studio? e.g. one comment said "If you go to the Content Library and right-click "DAZ Studio Formats", you can add a folder on your hard drive alongside your main content library. I presume you can also use this to switch your main content library, but I've never done it that way. I'm not sure if there's some special handling required for the default content folder."]
Make sure I am now “Working Online”. [Find some option to go back online now it is set up.]
The “Ready to Download” tab should be populated with everything I bought on the Daz Store, plus Daz Studio and some freebie starter content.
Daz Central had only let me download items one at a time (if I tried to download multiple items it cancelled previous ones and only downloaded the last one I ckicked on) but DIM should let me select and download multiple items, or even just set everything off at once.
I should untick "Install after Download" (or it will bog my PC down doing too much at once, better to break the task up.)
DIM should then download and keep everything in the D: location I set above, Daz Downloads.
Open the “Ready to Install” tab once I have downloaded everything (or a batch I then want to install, with the rest to be downloaded and installed later).
There will be a list of downloaded but not installed items.
In the drop-down at the bottom of the window choose the D: location I set up earlier for installs, Daz Content.
[Question 2: "Install Product Updates to their respective “Installed To” path(s) - When checked, will install updates to their currently installed location." Do I tick this, or not?]
"Checking the “Delete Installer Once Installed” will do exactly that. When you install a file, its Zip file will immediately be deleted from your computer. Be sure to Uncheck this box if you want to keep a copy of your Zips! "
Since I'm not 100% sure yet (having not tested it) that the installed content will carry over if I reinstall Windows or get a new PC, for now leave this unticked. The downside is that all content takes up twice the HDD space - once for the downloaded zip, once for the installed version in a different folder. But, if I reinstall Windows and Daz can't find the installed content, I could hopefully get DIM to see the doanloaded zips and install them. It would take some time, but be quicker than also having to download them. And, if I later found that this process worked perfectly without ever needing to use the zips again, then from then on I could delete them after installing content.
Then install Daz Studio this way. (I wish DS just had its own installer; and all the DIM stuff was just built in to Daz Studio, so there was only one piece of software to deal with!)
Then install any assets I want, possibly in batches, similar to the procedutre in STEP 5.
[Question 3: What does DIM do when it finds files that will over-write others on installation? Does it keep one (which? biggest, newest?), or both? If I install zips manually this issue seems to occur quite often, with files with the same name and path in different products.]
"Once you have installed your products you will see them in the “Installed” pane. You can also check this pane to see if the product installed Metadata. If so, there will be a checkmark underneath the “Smart” column, letting you know it will show under “Smart Content” in DAZ Studio 4 and higher."
[Question 4: So, presumably, some items but not all will appear in the Smart Content pane in Daz Studio; for others I'll need to look in some other area of Daz Studio to find the content?]
At the end I should have my assets installed on the D: (Daz Content), and a second path with the downloaded pre-install backup zips of the assets on the D: too (Daz Downloads).
Maybe do this after installing a few items at a time. Check I can find them in Daz Studio, that they show up as Smart Content if applicable, that they load and work okay, that there are no problems that might require a refund.
I do a full backup of my D: regularly. So this would mean I am also backing up the downloaded asset zip files in one folder (Daz Downloads), and the installed Daz assets in another (Daz Content) - doubling the storage requirements but meaning I am covered for a few potential scenarios.
[Question 5: since I want to be able to reinstall Windows/get a new PC, do fresh installs of DIM and Daz Studio, then point them at the already downloaded and installed content, is there anything else I need to back up? i.e. Do DIM and Daz Studio use some kind of metadata/profiles.ini/database/settings file(s) that need backing up too (to be restored on the fresh Windows)? I worry that I could point the fresh Daz Studio and DIM installs at the existing folders and it still not work, and the programs are unable to use the content because it turns out there was some other file that told it what was installed, and without that it can't "see" the installed content. That worry comes from DIM Wiki notes such as:
"Install Manager will not 'see' files saved in locations not mapped within the application, nor will it see files downloaded via other applications or manually."
"Since Install Manager can only track products it has managed (downloaded), you will not be able to see any files that may have been saved to the same location. For example, saving zip files from a store other than DAZ3D. "
So, is there anything else I need to back up if DIM and Daz Studio are installed on my C:?]
(In an ideal world any metadata/profiles.ini/database/settings file(s) required so the software can "see" content in subfolders, would be stored in the actual root folder of the content, so you could back them all up together, and pointing a fresh install at that folder would work perfectly.)
[Question 6: I am assuming this comment is related to Question 5 above, but I am not sure how to build it into which steps, where/what the Content Cluster is, and whether this is referring to DIM, Daz Studio, or Windows Explorer:
"If the content is not installed to the C: drive then it would survive a reinstall of Windows. If you move the ContentCluster folder out of the C: drive (Edit>Preferences>CMD Settings, makes sure Daz Studio, Install Manager, and any other applicatrions or tools that use the content management system are closed before copying/moving the folder itself) then even the database would survive, though you would have to reset its location in preferences."
So if that could be built into the appropriate place in my instructions I would appreciate it!]
[Question 7: the DIM Installation tab is apparently where "Applications - Lists the location (paths) of your supported applications" and
"The Applications tab simply shows a list of paths where recognized software is located". So I could set Daz Studio (like my content) to install itself on my D: rather than the C:. Would that be beneficial? I assume that would be slower (my D: is HDD and C: is SSD). But maybe all metadata would be there on the D: too, so if I reinstalled Windows (then DIM and DS on D: in the same place) there is more chance of DIM and DS seeing and using the content correctly? Or would it make no difference because if I reinstall Windows and then go through these steps again, Daz Studio would just get freshly installed on the D: and overwite any existing profiles/metadata, and lose that connection anyway? Or it may be irrelevant because DIM has some kind of settings that need backing up, and DIM itself can only be installed to C: anyway? If so, it might make more sense to just back up the relevant profiles/metadata from the C:. See Question 5, above.]
Instructions for the situation where I reinstall Windows, or get a new computer (where I'd copy my D: backup contents to the new PC's D:).
I would perform steps 2-5 above, choosing the same paths (so they actually now point to installed content on the D:).
Hopefully DIM and Daz Studio then find all my existing installed D: assets, and use them as before, so Smart Content etc in Daz Studio works.
[Question 8: but how would STEP 4: DOWNLOAD CONTENT work? If things went to plan, wouldn't DIM see all the downloaded content on the D: without needing to download it again, making STEP 4 redundant? If DIM showed content waiting to be downloaded, that would mean something has gone wrong?]
[Question 9: related to Q8, shouldn't STEP 6: INSTALL OTHER CONTENT - ASSETS be redundant now, because DIM could see all the installed content on the D: without needing to install it again? If DIM showed content waiting to be installed, that would mean something has gone wrong?]
[Question 10: were there any settings to change in DS? e.g. "If you go to the Content Library and right-click "DAZ Studio Formats", you can add a folder on your hard drive alongside your main content library. I presume you can also use this to switch your main content library, but I've never done it that way. I'm not sure if there's some special handling required for the default content folder."]
[Question 11: related to Question 5, would there be some metadata/profiles.ini/database/settings file(s) that I need to restore first (to DIM or Daz Central) so that it can "see" the installed content as before? Presumably after installing DIM and Daz Studio, but before installing any newly bought assets (so that the backed-up settings exactly match the paths and content of those on my D:).]
Worst case scenario is that I reinstall Windows then all the Daz software, as above, but DIM and Daz Studio don't "see" the previously-installed Daz assets; or DS sees them but treats them as manually installed content, so Smart Content doesn't work in Daz Studio. In that case, as long as DIM can see the downloaded zip files, I can manually delete the installed assets from my D: Daz Content, leaving that folder empty; then point DIM at Daz Downloads and reinstall everything from the downloaded zip files. (Which at least saves downloading everything again.)
"If you have the zips Install manager will use them, as long as they are in its downloads folder (the location of which you can set)."
"If you saved the zips that DIM installs from then no, you don't have to download again. All you have to do is put the zips in whatever location you set as your default download folder. Once the zips are in there then they will show in ready to install within DIM."
[Question 12: is this something I need to build in to my steps, or can I ignore it?
"My understanding is that scene files contain links to the files where the content actually lives - I really don't want to be bombarded with millions of "can't find this file" dialogs when I open an existing scene after I've moved the underlying content."
"If the content is in mapped content directories then DS (and the Content Management Service) keep only the relative path, the location within the content directory. Moving the files into a new content directory, which you have told DS to use, will not cause issues. Only Install Manager has to keep the absolute path, and you can reinstall everything from the Installed tab (as long as you kept the zip) by right-click menu or just tell DIM to use the new installation path for updates in itss ettings (the risk there is an old file being left over after an update when it should have been deleted)."]
I do apologise for how complex this is and the time I am taking up. I have no problems backing up all my emails and Thunderbird profile and pointing a fresh install at all the content seamlessly, as with other programs I use a lot (browser, office suites, GIMP with plugins etc) but Daz seems to make it way more complex. I generally prefer to get hands on in backing up and restoring content and profiles, trying out different OSs etc (I dual boot with Linux) so the fact that much of how Daz works seems to not be covered in help guides for situations like the one I list in my first post makes it a lot harder. And, because it isn't intuitive (the main program has no installer, and is installed by another program from a choice of two, without it being clear how it works in terms of profiles and DB settings) I feel like I'm on a steep learning curve! But I'd like to get a rock-solid procedure ready now so that I don't waste time in the long run. Cheers!
You can use right-click to add or remove locations, you can't actually edit them. Edit>Preferences>Content tab>Content Directory Manager is the better choice if you are wanting to edit paths, or to handle mutliple settings at once.
You can also download this script (using the link above the code) and drag it itno the Daz Studio Viewport to copy the path from Install Manager into DS (that won't remove other paths, though).
Generally yes, you would uncheck it if you wanted to keep the updated files in a new content directory. However, I don't think the option would matter in most situations.
It keeps track of pre-installed files, so that unisntalling a product doesn't break whichever pre-existing product placed the file. It does, however, update the file as far as I know - theer can be only one file with a given name and location.
Most items will have metadata, but some may not have user-facing files (e.g. morph sets may add new sliders to the figure without haing any presets to click). If there are properly installed products which don't have the data to appear in database-driven views but which do have user-facing files you should still be able to find them in the Content Library pane under daz Studio formats (or Poser formats) and then the content directory name.
Install Manager uses the manifests folder to store details of what it installs. The database is in the folder listed in Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings (and should be copied/backed up only when DS, DIM, and other applications using it are all closed and there are no PostgreSQL processes running). For products there is also metadata in /Runtime/Support/ that can be reimported, but that will not include things like new flags and will not include data for your own files unless you first export the user data from the Content DB maintenance dialogue, accessed through the Content Library option menu - the lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab)
Application location and settings location are not the same. In addition to the folders already mentioned, some settings (e.g. UI layout) are in
%AppData%/daz 3d/Studio4/
and others are in the registry, which cannot be backed up easily.
DIM doesn't see content that wasn't installed through DIM or central, but yes a proper back-up/compartmentalised isntallation should not require reinstallation
The main folder is the first in the list, that's all
Scenes and presets store only relative locations (sub-folder of the content directory) not the absolute location, so they will work as long as the content is in the right place. Only the DIM manifests have absolute paths.
Simply put i just install files too the data area in My DAZ3D Library, they won't show up under the product list in the content tab or in smart content but will all show up in categories under My Daz3d Library.
So say you have installed DAZ3D to D drive like i have in windows 10 you will have an applications file in your D drive directory you should have Daz3d installed to this location if you click on Data you'll see DAZ3D file there open it up, you'll then see the MY DAZ Library file, open that up i usually install most stuff to the data file in this folder, this is how you manually stuff from daz3d & other sites with content built for DAZ3D.
Extract your files into a seperate file location, check what files are what then copy them into the data file, some installs might just install into the main folder My Daz3D Library and auto place stuff into the data folder, depends what your installing. I do this for my stuff from Render Erotica it's the only way to get them installed.
Note once you install to this location you'll find assets like figures and props under category People or relevant category for that prop then that particular model generation in a drop down menu. So say i have some anatomy installed as a replacer to the standard Daz3D i will find that under the category "People" then Generation 8 or 3 then choose the Anatomy category then all associtated files i have installed will be there with named files no picture icons, just a file tree with names not like the product content list found in content tab that has picture icons associated for products purchased in store you will not find your content loaded there...
The guys above give a pretty good discription of how things are done so i don't need to go into too great detail, but the easest way to install is just copy files into My DAZ3D Library folder and use that category system in the drop down menu to access your assets. You can have mutliple locations you can install too they all use the main file structure to do the same thing. You can have files located on different drives depending on your setup, my files are split over two systems, one online one offline so i always download the manual files and install them manually this way for my offline PC or just sometimes when DAZ3D have forgotten to add in files via the install manager or daz central so i have had to do a manual install to get all files to show up on rare occasions.
Sorry Cenobite, I got lost in your post: totally my fault, I wasn't sure which folders were in DIM, DS, Windows, what I was meant to be copying, and which steps in my procedure need to change to incorporate your suggestion. Were your instructions about manually installing zip files rather than using DIM? Other people advised me to use DIM rather than manually install. Basically I just want a repeatable set of steps that mean if I reinstall Windows or get a new PC, I can reinstall Daz Studio and have it find all my content exactly as before, without needing to download or install it again. But because Daz uses different programs and has settings in each (which can easily conflict) I want to have a simple set of stages as I am trying to create! I'm already having issues when I try to follow my steps, and find extra options in the Settings of DIM where my instructions don't say which of the paths are the ones I need to change to my D:. :-(
Okay, I started to do this so I can test out my instructions (and incorporate any notes from Richard at the appropriate points.
Daz Central claimed Daz Studio wasn't installed (and wanted to install it, offering no uninstall option). So I uninstalled Daz Central via Windows, and manually removed Daz Studio following the instructions at (which has a few errors in path names)
I downloaded DIM from and installed it.
[It offered to let me change the path from the default location of C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZ3DIM1 - I didn't change it, but would setting that as D: help my goals in any way?]
I ran DIM. It didn't let me login as such when I ticked "Work Offline", only enter my email (password box disabled).
Then I followed the instructions already listed. It turns out there were two settings options. Presumably I want Settings>Advanced Settings (not Settings>Basic Settings)
So I went to set locations on my D:, so they will survive Windows reinstalls etc.
However, the Downloads tab doesn't have the single path I was expecting, and which I have seen in other screenshots and help guides. It has two. Again, this differs from screenshots I have seen, so maybe DIM has been updated but not documented.
There is a Package Archive C:/Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/Downloads and a Thumbnail Archive C:/Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/Thumbnails
Should I set them both exactly the same? Or different, as nested subfolders? Do I need to change both, or it one irrelevant to my goals? For now I changed both and set them as parallel nested folders D:\image creation\Daz 3D\downloaded content\downloads and D:\image creation\Daz 3D\downloaded content\thumbnails - is that right?
I left all other settings alone, presumably they are fine.
Next I went to the Installation tab. Again, I'd expected a single path to change for installed content baseed on previous guides and comments, but there were three paths, and it wasn't clear which one is the location to set as the install content location.
There is a Manifest Archive at C:/Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/ManifestFiles
There is a Content Database Base of C:/Users/NA/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms
And there is a Recommended folder of C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library (which has an ellipsis after it but clicking it does nothing).
Which ones do I set as my chosen location for installed content D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content ? What are the others, and do I need to set them as some D: location in order to achieve my goals?
Lastly, in terms of setting up DIM: does DIM install Daz Studio by default? As mentioned, I had uninstalled Daz Studio via the instructions at but after installing DIM (which only took seconds) I saw Daz Studio was in my Start menu, and when I clicked on it that loaded it. So I don’t know if that is running from some other location not covered in the Daz uninstall article, or if DIM installed it? If the latter, I assume I can cut out the later steps about installing Daz Studio through DIM?
All of those are different:
thumbnails is for the optional thumbnails on the tooltip that pops up when you hover over an item, you have to right-click to download the thumbnails for the current item or all seelcted items.
package archive is the zips
manifests is for the files that DS uses to track what it has installed, since both package and manifests contain a .dsx file for each item it is important to keep them separate or one will overwrite the other.
the content databazse is just that - the database used by the Content Management System - the database isn't user-editable, so it shouldn't be in a directly acessible folder, but unless you wish to risk losing any metadata for your own files or edits made to product metadata it should be off the C: drive and included in back ups. This is the same as the ContentCluster path you can set in DS in Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings.
to make your desired destination the default select it in the main interface Window after checking Show Details, DIM will then remember the choice
Thanks Richard. So: install DIM on the C: at its default location.
DIM Download tab:
"package archive is the zips"
1. So was I right to change Package Archive to D:\image creation\Daz 3D\downloaded content\downloads ? Or should it just be D:\image creation\Daz 3D\downloaded content ?
"thumbnails is for the optional thumbnails on the tooltip that pops up when you hover over an item, you have to right-click to download the thumbnails for the current item or all seelcted items. / package archive is the zips"
2. Are the thumbnails also useful to back up and have on the D: if I want things to work in a future OS install? Or are they like Windows folder thumbs.db, where they just get created on the fly with no resource hit, so can be deleted and will reappear again?
Depending on the answer: in the first case I can just ignore them and leave them at their default C: location, because if I reinstall Windows and wipe them it's fine; in the second case I would need to change the Thumbnail Archive to D:\image creation\Daz 3D\downloaded content\thumbnails
DIM Installation tab:
"the content databazse is just that - the database used by the Content Management System - the database isn't user-editable, so it shouldn't be in a directly acessible folder, but unless you wish to risk losing any metadata for your own files or edits made to product metadata it should be off the C: drive and included in back ups. This is the same as the ContentCluster path you can set in DS in Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings. to make your desired destination the default select it in the main interface Window after checking Show Details, DIM will then remember the choice"
3. So is that the folder for the actual files that DIM unpacks from downloaded zips and installs, or is that a folder for a database/metadata about them?
If it is the former, the installed content itself (the equivalent of the Content folder if manually installing) should I set it as D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content ? Or D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content\cms\ ?
If it is the latter, could I still set it as D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content, or would it need to be a subfolder of that?
"manifests is for the files that DS uses to track what it has installed, since both package and manifests contain a .dsx file for each item it is important to keep them separate or one will overwrite the other."
4. So is the manifests useful to back up and have on the D: if I want things to work in a future OS install? If so, should I set it as D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content or D:\image creation\Daz 3D\installed content\manifests ?
5. Lastly, in terms of setting up DIM: does DIM install Daz Studio by default? As mentioned, I had uninstalled Daz Studio via the instructions at but after installing DIM (which only took seconds) I saw Daz Studio was in my Start menu, and when I clicked on it that loaded it. So I don’t know if that is running from some other location not covered in the Daz uninstall article, or if DIM installed it?
If the former, I presumably need to find and uninstall DS, then reinstall DS through DIM.
If the latter, I assume I can cut out the later steps about installing Daz Studio through DIM, because DIM installs it automatically at the same time as installing itself?
6. Just curious: how come DIM isn't just built into DS? It would save setting folders in two different programs, with all the issues that can cause. It would also save different installation methods for the two programs, and having to manually delete DS from a load of folders (some hidden). It would be much simpler for most users. Install DS from an exe, then change folders in the Content Directory Manager (pointing it at existing folders if it is a reinstall).
DIM can be installed where you like, but its settings (the account.ini file) will be in the AppData folder so you will need to back up and restore after a Windows reinstall - and generally I would not try to get away without reinstalling software unless it was explcitly stated to be portable.
The exact location doesn't matter, put ti where you like
They are not needed, though it is often useful to have them. if you don't know what theya re I suspect you have not been downloading them and have been getting along fine. They wodn't take that much space, though recently some have been downloading grossly oversized.
It's a database, it is accessed and managed by PostgreSQL and has no DS content in it. DS and DIM update it based on product metadata.
It should have its own sub-folder.
It needs its own sub-folder
DIM doesn't auto-install anything, but it does (by default) offer up some packages (DS and its content) for instalaltion. DIM will inherit any left-over instalaltion from Central.
DIM can handle content for other applications, and general content such as video tutorials. It also needs to be able to install the software itself and plug-ins, which require elevated privileges and so shouldn't be handled by the main application. Daz Studio, using Connect, can install much content.
Thank you Richard, I appreciate your patience and helpfulness!
Right. I now understand the DIM Downloads tab and Installation tab. I have set the four main options as follows, so they get installed and backed up on the D:, and future installations can find the key data at the same locations. Each is in its own subfolder, which should prevent problems:
Package Archive D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\downloads
Thumbnail Archive D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\thumbnails
Manifest Archive D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\manifest
Content Database Base D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\cms
However ...
1. Every time I change the Content Database Base to D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\cms, and Accept it, then go back in, it has reset to C:/Users/NA/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms (there are no error messages).
So is it not changeable? And if so, why offer the option? You said that to avoid losing any metadata the CMS should be on the D: drive and included in back ups, hence me trying to place it there.
2. None of those four paths seem to be a folder for the actual files that DIM unpacks from downloaded zips and installs, which is one of the key ones to move to the D:! I assume I need to change the Content Folder, which shows as C:/Users/Public/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library but there is no option to change it to something on my D: such as D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\content
It's weird how DIM's interface is inconsistent (e.g. an ellipsis sometimes means you can change a path, sometimes it does nothing; some key paths are changed in a normal path/browse box, some aren't (such as this one). A step-by-step procedure of what to click on in which tab to make the content save at D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\content would be appreciated, since I know if I do it wrong it may mess up DS.
Thank you for your patience.
1. Is DS open? In any event, try chnging it inside Ds (Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings, the ContentCluster location
2. I can edit the path in the Installation tab in DIM'ss ettings, but if you can't click the + button at bottom-right to add a new location, then set it as the default in the main tabs or using the Content path Shortcuts button in the Instalaltion tab of Advanced Settings.
"1. Is DS open? In any event, try chnging it inside Ds (Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings, the ContentCluster location"
DS isn't even installed: I'm still at the stage of setting up DIM with the correct folders before I let DIM go online (so I haven't been given the option to install DS yet). So I should skip changing the CMS in DIM, let it go online, install DS, then change that setting in DS? Will the end result be the same? (I don't want DIM to install somethign incorrectly to the C: that may cause problems later if it doesn't move to the D: properly.)
"2. I can edit the path in the Installation tab in DIM'ss ettings, but if you can't click the + button at bottom-right to add a new location, then set it as the default in the main tabs or using the Content path Shortcuts button in the Instalaltion tab of Advanced Settings."
I've attached a screenshot - have I got that right? Steps 1-4 (if so, I'll update my instructions). Thanks!
Looks like from your screen shots your setting up the main install too C:/ drive not D:/ i have my content path shortcuts as Custom, the top link should be linked too something like this Applications/data/DAZ3D/installmanager/manifestfiles.
Everything inbewteen should be linked too D:/ Applications/64 &32
Content database base: should be linked too D:/Applications/Data/DAZ3D/Content Database
My Custom path file is D:/Program files/Daz 3D/Applications/Data/DAZ3D/My Daz3DLibrary & associated path links to these file links, so i have it linked to 3 content file paths one is a custom My Daz Library link so basically i have 2 file drop down trees both called My DAZ3D library with different files.
I have everything set to D: drive but my finished render folder or output folder is still set to C:/ which i been meaning to change when i get another HD.
Hi Cenobite, I don't understand, I'm afraid - my aim is to have my Daz content (apart from the program, which I can reinstall if I get a new computer) stored on my D:, all in subfolders under a Daz folder. From discussions with Richard it looked like my options of this should be fine:
My two issues were that
1) DIM won't let me set the Content Database Base D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\cms (though it gives no indication of why I can't change it); also
2) just checking that I had understood how to make the actual installed assets also go to the D: as a fifth folder type D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\content along with the four above (since DIM isn't consistent or clear in how it works). I was under the impression with those five folders in those locations I should eb able to reinstall Windows, point DIM at the folders, and it should be good to go again so I don't have to reinstall all my assets. I had assumed my goal was simple, I never realised Daz made it so difficult!
I get the impression you're talking about manual installs, which I was advised against, and told I could do it with DIM.
Getting further! I had tried to set up DIM in a way that will put everything important on my D:, to survive Windows reinstalls or getting a new PC (so I don't have to download and reinstall all my assets again - had to do that once already).
I was trying to change the Content Database Base location in DIM to D:\image creation\Daz 3D\assets\cms. Every time I did that and Accepted it, then went back in, it had reset to C:/Users/NA/AppData/Roaming/DAZ 3D/cms. There were no error messages or indications of why it won't change it.
I didn't have Daz Studio installed and hadn't yet let DIM go online.
In the end I installed DS, then it let me change the DIM CMS location (before I even ran DS). So it looks like you just can't change the cms location in DIM until you have installed DS for some reason (so can't preselect a location before installing, unlike the other settings).
My backup option would have been to ignore that setting, let DIM go online, choose DS from something to install, do that, then change the DS settings in Daz Studio - Edit>Preferences>CMS Settings - with DIM closed. Installing DS won't add anything to the database anyway as it has no content.