Dforce bikini moving sideways / upwards rather then falling down

I'm trying to drape a bikini over a hand (the bikini is not dforce by default, I simply added the modifier). First everything exploded all the time, but managed to fix that. However, when testing to just let it drop to the floor the item is instead pulled to the side/up.

See the images below for the bikini before simulation, the simulation settings and the bikini after simulation. When the simulation is ran all the way the bikini just flies off further and further.

The bend stiffness is changed to stop it from exploding.

Increasing the gravity puts a end to the thing flying off, though it still tries to move that way even after hitting the floor.

This happens with three different bikini's, exact same issue with all of them.

So does anyone have a idea why, to use the technical term, these bikini's yeet themselves into space rather then just falling to the ground?

Any help would be hugely appreciated!

861 x 875 - 213K
942 x 605 - 89K
470 x 1153 - 179K
748 x 675 - 104K


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