Height morph and wearables glitch

hello all,

one of my body morph kits contains a Height adjustment which I find very useful (i don't know which kit specifically, it has no prefix and i have several kits)

the problem is that a rare few of my clothing and hair items lose the plot scale-wise with this morph, as if it is multiplied compared to the amount applied to the figure itself

in the pic i have used all G3 stuff applied to G8Fs, to show that this is NOT caused by G3 to G8 AutoFit - i have some native G8 items also affected, and most G3 stuff is ok

you can see the black Delta Dress morphs properly, so does G3 Elysa Hair, but with the figure on the right Olenna Hair and the Sana Style Dress have down-scaled on Y far more than the figure has.

note: i have 3 outfits by Tentman - Sana, Masha, and Rita, and from memory Sana is the only one with this error, the other two are fine, for what that's worth.

...just wondering if anyone knows specifically where i should start looking, before i begin trawling through a thousand lines of code?

592 x 640 - 292K


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    Usually that happens when a morph is just scaling the length of the bones. Try different height morphs or expand the bone structure of the clothing and try replicating the scaling on the different bones.

  • clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129
    edited July 2021

    PerttiA said:

    Try different height morphs

    uh... do you know of any others? i only found this one by accident, and i didn't see any others in my collection including obvious names like Height, Tall, Short etc. 

    apparently it's from this kit:


    ..and it's a known troublemaker, i saw many google references to 'FBMHeight'

    i already have a pair of known-good and known-bad wearables .dufs open side by side in notepad++ and am looking for anything suspicious, but if i can just sidestep the whole issue by buying a better height morph, then i'm all for it - doing the notepad++ thing could take ages and still not yield a solution.


    ---> well, damn. i just bought the 'My Short Girlfriend' morph kit and it does exactly the same thing as FBMHeight. boo.

    Post edited by clivewil2 on
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    I don't remember now, and as I'm at work I can't check, but as far as I have investigated the situation, morphs that redefine the coordinates for start and endpoint of the bones do not cause problems as ones that are scaling the length do (with some items, not all items)

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,014

    Did some testing by loading the basic G8F and fitting converted clothing and hair on it, as that is when I have seen this the most, but in the end it seems to be hit and miss, which morphs are causing this and which aren't.

    Some search words though if you havent tried them yet; Length, Height, Size, Proportions, Young, Youth, Petite

    Have to dig deeper sometime when out of ideas to do something else and check the bone structures of the clothing/hair that doesn't suffer from this and compare them to ones that do.

  • clivewil2clivewil2 Posts: 129

    PerttiA said:

    Some search words though if you havent tried them yet; Length, Height, Size, Proportions, Young, Youth, Petite

    i had previously tried all of those except Petite, which also didn't find anything useful unfortunately, but i appreciate you spending some time doing some tests, many thanks!

    it turns out that My Short Girlfriend Shape *is* FBMHeight under a different name; i overlaid 2 figures and put FBM on one, MSG on the other - i got an identical result in every way, and when you move the slider for one, the other moves in unison. so that explains that.

    i managed to kludge Olenna hair into fitting, kinda sorta, by zeroing the Height morph in its hidden properties - i haven't tested it properly yet but if that works then great, Olenna was the one i wanted to fix most. the outfits i might be able to solve by exporting and re-importing, but i'm not really worried about those.

    thanks again for your help.

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