Not Only is Daz Studio super small text, The entire thing is So Blurry, Never getting a Fix?

Speaking from experience in other packages Unity did have improvements you can scale the thing up and so the text can be comfotable to read but DAZ has never decided to give us any option for Enlarging the font size and it's soooo smalll i can barely see it. I use Windows 10 and i have to use the Windows 10 Magnifier at a good 120X or 130x about, and sometimes i make use of the utiliy called Magnifixer. It's kind of ridiculous. When are the people at DAZ going to give us options to make the text bigger.  It's kind of the same thing they're doig with physical dictionaries and books, soooo small i can't see them at all. i have to use magnifying glasses and stuff..

But aside from that,  My DAZStudio looks blurry, even the characters look blurry i guess it has to do with the same thing as the text being small. I guess it goes hand in hand.  Let me give you a comparison view Daz VS Unity how it looks in my monitor.

Here two screenshots untouched. not scaled. Just some random area from a menu in Unity VS one area from a menu in Daz. Notice how small the Daz is.

Picture 1 is Unity

PIcture 2 and 3 is DAZ. Who is the world decided that's good for the eyes?   And i have flat monitor wide screen at  1920 x 1080. I guess i'm gonna try to change it to see if anything looks larger.



651 x 232 - 58K
558 x 346 - 81K
347 x 522 - 56K


  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Guys I'm back and welll this worked for me awesomely, even though the Desktop icons look blurry( The windows explorer icons don't just the desktop icons). 

    I switched from resolution 1920 x 1080   to 1600 x 900 and now it's superb.  My DAZ is much mor legible even though still small but much better. My Unity text is 10X better. wow, and my Firefox at 133% ZOOM  looks great.

    I've been strugglign with vision problems slight but getting worse and this is gonna help alot

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Enabling scaling has had to wait for an updated version of the Qt framework, which means breaking plug-ins and some other things. That is now being completed, to support the latest Mac OS, so we may hope for UI scaling at some point too

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Enabling scaling has had to wait for an updated version of the Qt framework, which means breaking plug-ins and some other things. That is now being completed, to support the latest Mac OS, so we may hope for UI scaling at some point too

    Nice. Well i'm glad i managed to get my System better. Now DAZ Studio is much better in my screen. Still small text but better.

  • nokoteb99nokoteb99 Posts: 931

    Richard Haseltine said:

    Enabling scaling has had to wait for an updated version of the Qt framework, which means breaking plug-ins and some other things. That is now being completed, to support the latest Mac OS, so we may hope for UI scaling at some point too

    Hey richard thanks for your information but don't you think it's alittle over the top? This is justoh man i dont even know what to say i have to put my face right next to the screen even with glasses on a 21 inch Sam Sung monitor flat screen. I'm sure you may have a similarmonitor and , dont you feel the same?   I tried changing the resolution but that just made my computer desktop and windows explorere all blurry and weird so that's no solution at all.

    And you can even see the difference in somethign that's reasonable  VS something that's not, in the picture attachments i put on the top.  I"m so thankful daz included options for customizing alll kinds of coloring , background color and Interface coloring, that's awesome, just dont understand why not text customization.

    With this set up, i really makes me feel  like i want DAZ was just part of Unity then we would have descent font size.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    edited July 2021

    There's no text customization because the (very old) version of the framework DS is currently built upon technically doesn't support it. It's simple as that. 

    Post edited by Leana on
  • charlescharles Posts: 849
    edited July 2021
    Up your windows 10 font scaling in resolution settings and restart Daz. However this can screw up some poorly designed addons like headshop.
    Post edited by charles on
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