
Hi I would like to ask if there is any site where things are sold only in 3Delight ?
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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Hi I would like to ask if there is any site where things are sold only in 3Delight ?
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Moved to Product Suggestions as it is not a Daz Studio question.
You might do better to look for some general-purpose 3Delgiht sahders, which you can then use on anything (straight or using the ctrl-double-click options dialogue to keep the original maps).
There is a great forum thread that listed a number of 3Delight shaders that may be available still. I was able to track down a number for myself and identify those were 3DL vs Iray.
I think You can search in DAZ store using keyword 3Delight . Those result in most case including optimized 3Delight MAT or shader preset version