
After animation baking,Adjust the pose for the behind frame,Why,The pose of the previous frame has changed,thank


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    This is most likely down to interpolations, trying to maintain a smooth transition between keys. The Timeline pane wil let you adjust the behaviour, and in the graph sheet will let you see how the value is changing.

  • swd180996swd180996 Posts: 7

    How to cancel this influence,thank you

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    You need to use the Timeline to change the interpolation type, or if you leave it at TCB adjust the values to behave as you want. Select the key in the Timeline (by default, TCB, it will have a T in a circle as its marker, then either use the button at bottom-right, next to the TCB text, or right-click on the key>Set Key Interpolation to change the type.

  • swd180996swd180996 Posts: 7

    Thank you very much. Let me have a try

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