I need help making geograft ideas into reality

Or, as real as digital media is, anyway.
As per title, I've got some fairly concrete ideas on what I want to make, namely a set of hands, a tail, ears, and feet for Genesis 8.1 Female (and possibly male). RawArt's Harpy has some excellent hands along the general theme I was thinking of.
I also figured geografts might work best.
The hands and feet will have a thumb (big toe), 3 fingers (3 toes). They will have claws. The configuration for the foot is similar to a Koala and a Monkey's yet is longer and digitigrade. I have a fair few sketches drawn. The hands will be similar to Rawart's Harpy but less chunky, maybe with a longer palm. The tail can be similar to a Spider Monkey or Oppossum, prehensile and not too skinny, but long and tapered. The ears I thought could be simlar to Night Elf ears (hopefully not breaking a copywrite(right?) here using the name) but obviously not the same. I thought a geograft so that the ear could be made to move a lot more than the rigging currently allows.
I have some sketches and such going. If anyone feels up to the task who has the skills and would let me put my design two-cents in..
Or, show me how to make hands and feet from scratch in Blender, then some weightmapping tutorials because my weightmapping experiences have been abyssmal. Also I would need to learn how to make the mesh super neat and subdivide properly. My attempts are odd and the basic shape is still very visible.
Or if anyone knows of a great Modelling course in Australia or online where I can get one-on-one help as needed because I am Autistic and sometimes struggle to get my message across.
Or quote me a cost and I will save for it. I still have to provide the sketches though, coz the foot is a hybrid.