Error initializing OpenCL Kernels

perlkperlk Posts: 854

Hi, I sent in a help ticket for this already but haven't heard back, so I'm hoping someone on the forum might have an idea. I was running Daz Studio 4.15 (64-bit)  without a problem up until yesterday. When I got back from vacation on the 5th, I booted my computer, it installed a bunch of updates, and when I went into Daz Studio to run a simulation, I got an error saying I needed to reinitialize the kernel and then after it runs, I get the message: Error Initializing OpenCL kernels.

I'm on a Windows 10 machine, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with an AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT video card. I reverted to the previous video card driver (last updated in April 2021) but no success. 

Any ideas of what to try? I've reinstalled DS, tried running the public beta instead, but nothing works.

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