Auto Pose Simulator

This might sound a bit far fetched at this time but it would be pretty cool if there was a utility that:
You load any random internet 2D image or a photo into "Auto Pose Sumulator", click onto the part of an image that illustrates a human character in it (or a few points like head, upper body, lower, hands and legs) , click a button and the utility transfers the pose of a person in that photo onto a selected Gen8 character in your scene.
Obviously it's not going to be 100% accurate but with about 85% accuracy it's still better than to search for and buy a whole new set of poses only because there is one pose in there that kind off comes close to what you want in your scene and you still have to perform minor or not so minor adjustments to get what you want in your scene.
I think it's only a matter of time before someone comes up with it , even though it might take a few years from now.