ANY way to refresh the Catalog list to show deleted products?

I've deleted some products out of sheer stupidity and they aren't showing up in the DS Catalog Libray as needing to be re-installed. Is there any way to force DAZ Studios to run a refresh for products installed by DIM that should show up in DAZ as uninstalled?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Connect>Login.. should update the metadata

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    I've taken a snapshot of my Desktop installation and compared it to the Laptop install and found some in one that isn't in the other. This startled me. Doing as you suggest does not seem to work, because after doing the usual Connect>Login (which I do every day anyway) those missing products are still missing. They were installed through DIM, so I know they are in my DAZ Content folder. Do you have any other suggestions?

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I think what I'm seeing when comparing the installations is that over time my Desktop installation grew some kind of bloat, while the Laptop is a recent re-installation. So, really I should ask if there is some way to deal with the bloat. There is a new version of DAZ Studios in the works. Maybe that will help?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    What do you mean by bloat? A new version of DS may use the same database as the existing version - we don't yet have any clue about that.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I've created some screenshots of my Desktop install. The DAZ Content folder seems to be twice as large as my Laptop install. If you don't mind, please take a look at these screenshots and tell me if there is a double installation here. If so, hopefully, I can delete the other install. I had to reinstall it because of an operating system problem. Both installations are on an external drive. It looks like I have duplicate files in the "My Daz Connect Library: on my "H" drive (the intentional content folder." Please look at these screenshots and tell me which ones I can delete. "0" and "00" show my setup in DIM and DS. The big screenshots "1" and "2" show in install inside the "Cloud" folder circled in red in Screenshot "3." "3" & "4" & "5" show an install outside of the "Cloud" folder. Again, please help. The last thing I want to do is to set fire and rebuild. It takes me two weeks to finish a reinstall of DAZ.


    Cloud scrnsht 00.png
    953 x 564 - 52K
    Cloud scrnsht 0.png
    738 x 690 - 52K
    Cloud scrnsht 1.png
    1920 x 1080 - 180K
    Cloud scrnsht 2.png
    1920 x 1080 - 174K
    Cloud scrnsht 3.png
    1920 x 1080 - 176K
    Cloud scrnsht 4.png
    1920 x 1080 - 232K
    Cloud scrnsht 5.png
    1920 x 1080 - 214K
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    That looks as if you have both Connect (installed through Daz Studio) and Install Manager installations, so yes you have the affected products twice. As long as there is a Connect install that DS knows about the Install Manager files will be ignored.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    Which directory can I delete, based on my snapshots? I guess I don't really understand what you said.

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • daybirddaybird Posts: 656

    Hi, I'm not a big expert in DAZ, but maybe I can help you with your problem.
    Before you try to delete and reinstall all just click on the small icon in the right upper corner of your content library. (pic 1)

    In the now opening window click on Content Database Maintance (pic 2)

    Another window will open, there enable Re-Import Metadata (pic 3)

    In the now opening window make sure the both checkmarks in user data and all products are enabled and simple click on make take awhile but after that your stuff is there again. If not, look if you can reinstall them now. (pic 4)

    I did this a few times after I lost some content in the smart content folder and it helps me a lot. Made even things visble who not show up before.

    As long as I know, this will not harm anything from your stuff, so it is worth a try.

    pic 1.JPG
    706 x 115 - 25K
    pic 2.JPG
    257 x 266 - 21K
    pic 3.JPG
    322 x 256 - 24K
    pic 4.JPG
    110 x 131 - 12K
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    Let me get this straight; your idea is to run this procedure and THEN re-install-- followed by re-importing using the new User Data export I just created from this procedure?

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    You really need to uninstall one of the sets of content, if both are known to DS.

    To uninstall the content in /data/cloud, select all products in the Products tab of the Samrt Content pane with Filter By Context at lower-left unchecked, right-click on one, and select Uninstall. If you have more products than will appear in the list you may need to use categories to limit the number that you see at once. Anything that is left in the /data/cloud folder, other than the meta folder, after rem,oving all the Connect installs is orphaned and can probably be removed manually.

    To uninstall all the DIM installs that duplicate known Connect installed, in the filter box in DIM enter


    (this is in the filter list if you have installed the DIM default filters, under tags), select everything that shows in the Installed tab, and click the Process Queue button.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    I just finished your proceedure. What is the proper way to re-install DS Content after this procedure, so this does not happen again? I'm sure this happened after the last re-install.

    Did you notice that john_97a982ce 's attitude has changed-- not as combative? Really, it is the re-installs and the L&F folder that sets me off. So I'd like to re-install the best way possible, on my "H" drive.

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    Either Daz Central, Install Manager, or Connect should give the same results - mixing can be problematic, and if you go online (regardless of method of installation) it does seem possible to end up with different metadata from local instalaltions (but that was probably due to transient bugs).

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    After completing the above procedure the list of Installed products in DIM still seems complete. However, nothing is installed in DAZ Smart Content, because I uninstalled everything in Smart Content, per the above procedure. As I understand it, I have to finish up by installing the DAZ Content. How else can I complete it? I won't be able to use anything unless I do so.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    That sounds as if the path DIM is pointing to is not selected in Daz studio (check to see if the files are available in the Content Library pane under Daz Studio Formats - if not download this using the link above the code and drag it into the DS Viewport) or there is a communication issue so that DS isn't seeing the entries in the database (do you actually see the products in the Smart content, just not showing as installed?)

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    Many of the products in DS are showing up as installed. A few are gray and showing a need to install. Also, some are colored and need to be installed. The install paths have not changed since I made the screenshots attached above. The paths in DIM are the same as those set up in DS. 

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    Since I am installing to an external drive and many are showing as installed, will that drag-and-drop procedure you described actually work? See attached screenshots to see what I mean by "some need to be installed."

    AVAILABLE for Smart Content.png
    532 x 742 - 203K
    ALL and some colored need install.png
    542 x 725 - 365K
    Content Libray - some show need to install.png
    457 x 572 - 47K
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    WOW! That's some mapping utility. Great. But it looks like it's telling me that my current mapping is correct. Do you see something I don't? I don't see any other choice now but to install the items that need to be checked and installed. Do you? I'm holding off in case you disagree.

    Please advise.

    DS Mapping utility dsa.png
    493 x 442 - 31K
    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    If they have coloured thumbnails theya re isntalled, the down arrow in a broken circle means they ar not installed via Connect but that is optional (and usually pointless if you are going to use the DIM install). I was suggesting the script only if the installed products weren't being found, so you can ignore it as that is not the case.

    The greyed out products are the ones thata re not installed at all according to the Content management System, so they are the problem ones if DIM is showing them as installed.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    So, the grayed-out ones need to be installed in Content Library? Or, is it better to do in Smart Content? You said the colored one with the circle and arrow is pointless to install in Smart Content (Content Library already shows them installed), but, can I do so anyway? There aren't many of them-- a handfull.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    You can install, but then you will have duplicate files (Connect installs each folder to a separate sub-folder in /data/cloud/, the daz Connect you see under Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats is an aggregate of all of those). If products are installed through DIM but not showing as installed in DS it may be that the PostgreSQL database wasn't running when you installed (which can happen if you close DS and then start Install Manager) in which case a fix would be to select them in the Installed tab of Install Manager, right-click, and choose the option to reinsdtall all selected.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    Wait a minute. You mean I'm supposed to have DAZ Studios open when I install using DIM? I thought I was supposed to close it, install through DIM, and then close DIM, open DS and install through Content Library to finish up. Please set me straight here. That might be a problem I'm had since I started using DAZ. I looked at one product with the circles and down arrow, then tried to select the re-install function in DIM but it was grayed out. See snapshot.

    The option to Re-install..." by the right-click function is grayed out, no matter what I choose. Now what?

    Re-install question.png
    1340 x 730 - 359K
    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813
    edited July 2021

    You can have DS open, it doesn't have to be. The potential problem is that when DS is closed it tells PostgreSQL to stop if not otherwise in use, but that takes a bit of time - as a result if DIM is started immediately it may see PostgreSQL running and (I think) send a carry-on message when PostgreSQL itself has stopped listening (I am, as you can tell, hazy on thee xact sequence but the ent result is no PostgreSQL). It's fine to have both running, it's fine to start install manager alone when DS and PostgreSQL are both shut down, the potential issue is when DS is closed and DIM started immediately (or vice versa).

    The right-click>Reisntall is in the Installed tab of Install manager, to make sure it gets entered in the database, not in DS.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    I know the re-install is in the DIM Installed tab. I sent you a screenshot of the problem immediately above this post. I'm looking at the reinstall selection, but it's grayed out. In fact, every product is grayed out and I can't reinstall anything that way. What am I doing wrong?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    You have to select the items, by clicking the check box, not just highlight them.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    Yes, I did that too. In fact, I checked every item in the Installed list to check what I'm saying about this.

    Checked for re-install.png
    1133 x 314 - 35K
    Post edited by Piquant on
  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    What should I do about the grayed-out items in DAZ Studios with the broken circle and the down arrow? I've uninstalled the items that went back into the "cloud" folder. I want to install everything through DIM. Is that even possible? Or does everyone have to install some items like these by installing through either Content Library or Smart Content? If that's the case then which of those two choices is the better one. 

    For a while, DAZ support told me to install some trouble items through the DB Maintenance re-install feature. Could that be throwing things off? Are those items in a location I should know about and delete?

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    I missed a step - in order to reinstall you need to have the zip too, if you delete the zip after installing (check the Ready To Install tab) the option won't be available and you will have to uninstall, redownload, and install.

    There is no Connect-only content so yes, you should be able to use DIM only - in which case there is no point in allowing DS to connect at all..

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325

    If I keep the Zip files I'll load up my hard drive with files! That sounds terrible! Please explain. Also, I don't want DAZ Smart Content to be loaded with grayed-out products. Those products will NOT load. What is all of this? Sounds crazy somehow. Please explain. Sounds like I must use a combination of installation methods.

  • PiquantPiquant Posts: 325
    edited July 2021

    What came of all of this: I've learned some aspects of DAZ I did not know before. Also, I learned that one cannot expect DIM to fully install every product-- especially older products (guessing here). I learned to leave DAZ Studios open while running DIM. I also learned how to get rid of duplicated files. Bottom line: I'm the kind of user that likes to connect to DAZ, so, I'm going to have to put up with some things you hard-boiled DIM only folks out there would not like. That means I'm going to have to put up with a multi-install approach. I'm rambling now, but you all get it.

    Thanks to Richard Haseltine and Daybird.

    Maybe we'll get lucky and the new DAZ update won't create different folders for the different install methods. [Nudge, nudge]

    Post edited by Piquant on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,813

    You don't have to keep the zips, but if you don't you will need to redownload before you can reinstall - if you have a suitable location you can always stash them off the main PC and just bring them back when/if needed.

    There are a few products which can't be isntalled through DIM, but as far as I know they can't be installed through Connect either.

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