4.15 runs sluggish

Not sure why, but after I upgraded to 4.15, Daz is very sluggish.  I can't make adjusments, posing adjusments or any.  The slider gets stuck and "times out" before loading an adjusment. It makes my work flow stall and it's very frustrating.  Not sure if anyone else has this issue.  I made sure all my drivers were updated and I even ran System Mechanic to defrag my hard drive, and dump exes files.  But that doesn't work.  I didn't have this issue with the earlier versions. Any feedback will help. Thank you!

i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz   3.41 GHz

48.0 GB Ram






  • margravemargrave Posts: 1,822

    What was your earlier version? There are threads about people saying the lag got really bad around 4.10 or so.

    I have noticed that if you add an IK chain to your character's hands and feet, then grabbing and posing in the viewport is much faster.

  • ArgleSWArgleSW Posts: 147

    I would make sure the display optimization is set to best. Sometimes this can be set incorrectly.

    Edit -> Preferences -> [Interface] -> Set 'Display Optimization' to Best.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    I've noticed that too.

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