DAZ Studio 4.7 Pro - Can't find Serial Number
I got DAZ Studio 4.7 Pro last week. Just got around to installing it today and figured I better go get my serial number, but it's not listed on the "My Serial Numbers" page...
Is a serial number not provided for 4.7 Pro, or do I need to contact customer support?
It isn't listed for me either, but entering the serial number for 4.6 seems to work.
Thanks stargazey. :)
Hmmm... okay, this is really weird and confusing. I went into my Product Library to look at it, and the order date says: 22nd May, 2013. And when I click on the Order # hyperlink, it takes me to the order details page which shows the purchase date as 21st May, 2013 and the Product name as: DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro (with a download button).
And in the "My Serial Numbers" page I have two different serial numbers for DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro.
I guess I'll try the one at the bottom of the list first, as that seems to be the most recent...
Did you ever buy D|S3Adv or D|S4Pro for actual $$$ before it became free? I remember the free version when registered did need a different serial number, I think that's where most people have got the two different numbers from. That date in your Product Library might be when you downloaded D|S4.5.
I have a few different versions of DAZ Studio, and I'm almost positive they were all free... It's been so long, I just don't remember for sure.
Anyway, I tried using that last listed serial number for DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro and it worked. So, I'm good to go.
Thanks again for the help! :)
Thanks stargazey. :)
Hmmm... okay, this is really weird and confusing. I went into my Product Library to look at it, and the order date says: 22nd May, 2013. And when I click on the Order # hyperlink, it takes me to the order details page which shows the purchase date as 21st May, 2013 and the Product name as: DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro (with a download button).
And in the "My Serial Numbers" page I have two different serial numbers for DAZ Studio 4.6 Pro.
I guess I'll try the one at the bottom of the list first, as that seems to be the most recent...