Apartment with bullet holes in the mesh?

Hello everyone!
I hope the topic of this thread is self-explanatory; I'm looking for an apartment with bullet holes in the mesh itself.
I've found the "Iray FireFight" and "KillZones The Apartment" products, but in my humble opnion, you can still tell too well that the bullet holes are decals and not actually modeled. I've also looked at any products with bullet holes in architecture, but it'd appear to me that what I've found, can't really be co-opted into an apartment wall.
Hmmmmm.... might be worth looking into Gescon: Constructive Solid Geometry, which lets you insert certain 3D shapes through other objects, and then subtracts that shape out of the object, leaving a hole there. It also has a break-stuff-apart mode, where it adds what looks like random cracks and stuff so that the structure -- say, a building -- comes apart into rubble or such, that you can then lift out and move around as needed. Might be possible to create bullet-holes and the like that way.