movie render fullscreen preview

I wish I knew how the hell I did this
Usually it is a small rectangle of the top left corner that shows nothing but somehow this time it was fullscreen as it rendered
nothing in the online help has enlightened me as to what I accidently pressed on the keyboard

1921 x 1081 - 281K
Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
the mystery deepens
I can set it to do this prior to rendering by checking use separate process but thats not what I did
(and that invariably crashes my graphics driver)
well, I left it happily rendering a 4K video with it's tiny top left rectangle and while I was in the other room Lynx or Lucy jumped on my desk
do cat stuff
I returned to both monitors full screen live rendering the top half of the video!!!!
not a taskbar in sight but GPU-Z was on top
still no idea how this happens, any key I try usually has adverse effects if any at all
(F1 apparently makes it render wireframe for example, many close it)
this is how I left it, I cannot get it to do it again to show the fullscreen
OK it randomly did it again and I didn't touch anything, was using DIM and downloading stuff
I can use the windows key on the keyboard to access paint to save the printscreen and open Chrome to post here BTW
and yes, my 980Ti is 6GB VRAM so that is rendering pretty full on
it happens randomly on the occassional movie render and it seems nobody knows why.
anyway new problem nobody can probably help me with.
Sequencer recorder.
I capture gameplay with Shadowplay but wanted 4K Cinematic quality so tried recording my Thirdperson Player and then capturing a movie.
it didn't go well.
Interestingly the physics on objects I kicked and shoved and doors opening all recorded but my player is prone and follower camera weirdly positioned in accordance.