Natty Undercut Hair for Genesis 8 Female(s) invisible

RaketeRakete Posts: 90

I just purchased this:

And I have a difficult time getting it to work. I know from other hair products that hair is often hidden in the preview, and you have to increase the tesselation, or enable "Show PR Hairs" to get it to show up in iray preview mode. But with this hair none of that works, it stays invisible, even rendering the hair will just show an empty image. There is a utility that comes with the product to make the hair visible in preview mode, but that does nothing as far as I can tell.

So whatever I do, the hair is not visible, the most I've gotten out of this so far is what you can see on the attached screenshot. How is this hair supposed to be used?

1262 x 1161 - 181K
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  • Other dForce/strand-based hair works on your system? Have you loaded the hair, then immediately checked the end of the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File)?

  • RaketeRakete Posts: 90
    edited June 2021

    I just tried again because I thought I might have had the Geometry Editor Tool active while trying out the hair and that turned out to be the reason for my problem. I didn't realize hair could also be hidden when you have the Geometry Editor Tool active. So, problem solved.

    Post edited by Rakete on
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