Twi'lek ear cones on G8

Hi folks,

I'm a really long user of DS, did this and that ... now i'm (once again) on the Star Wars - Trip.

I wanted to create a Twi'lek - Character ... it shlould be a female in her late Teens. So I took Lekkulian für G8, put the tentacles and skin on Jane8 and gave her a blue Tint. It worked pretty well, if you have a look at this image on Deviant Art:

But there's one Problem: Female Twi'lek don't have ears ... but a sort of cones instead auf them ... have a look here:'leks_Battlefront.png/revision/latest?cb=20151119051114&path-prefix=pt-br

now to my question:

How may I realize this?

Ist there a morph available?

Are there any hints to create such a morph by myself?

Is there any form of headdress available for G8 to cover them Twi'lek-Style?

Is it possible to do it with a geo shell ... and how?

It would be nice, if someone could help me.


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