Refreshing updated dsf files in Daz?
Hello. As I make my way through learning Daz and related products, I've been fine-tuning some early FaceGen exports. So this question is based on my experience with that, but I suspect that it will apply to changes made to other existing dsf files. I find that Daz does not seem to respect changes to existing dsf files even after exiting/restarting Daz, which suggests to me that this must get cached somewhere. (I see a recent thread about surfaces, but in that thread, it appeared that restarting Daz was enough.)
I exported a FaceGen morph dsf file to a file of the same name. I checked the contents of Documents\My DAZ 3D Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male 8_1\Morphs\FaceGen and see that the relevant dsf file now has the current timestamp, indicating that the existing file has been overwritten. However, Daz does not respect the changed dsf file. Even after exiting and restarting Daz, it's still using the old morph. I confirmed by resaving the same morph to a new file that the morph itself is reflecting my new change; it's acting as though Daz cached the dsf information when I first created the file and subsequent resaves to the same file name does not affect that. In short: Character.dsf was exported from FaceGen a month ago. Today, I exported a new file named Character.dsf, but in Daz, when I try to use it, it shows the exact same thing as the Character.dsf created a month ago. Meanwhile, I also saved Character2.dsf (which is identical to the newly created Character.dsf), which works as expected.
Thoughts? I was hoping just to be able to refine existing files and not have to proliferate umpteen Character1,2,...n.dsf files every time I make a change.
Essentially, here's proof that the dsf information is cached and not used directly from the existing file: I exited Daz, renamed Character.dsf, restarted Daz, opened a new scene and put a new 8.1 male in it. When I went to the FaceGen morphs, not only was "Character" still an available option, it still worked - it did the morph created a month ago. Daz doesn't even seem to care if the file isn't there anymore.
So ... is there a "Refresh" utility to get Daz to refresh cached elements/configs/settings? If not, is there a way to delete old things, like since-improved morphs?
Are you sure there is not another copy of the file in a different content directory, which DS is finding first? Still, there is a DSON cache - it can be controlled from the first tab of Edit>Preferences (Daz Studio>Preferences for a Mac)
Per your suggestion, I did find a matching Character.dsf in the Genesis 8\Male 8\Morphs folder, but even after I renamed every existing Character.dsf file anywhere on the computer (and exited/restarted Daz) the behavior as described persists. With no Character.dsf file in existence on the computer, you can still dial up the Character.dsf FaceGen morph created a month ago.
I am on running on Win10 so I think my Preferences selections are a bit different. I do see a reference to DSON cache files on the first tab, which appears to be where you can select the name and location of the cache file, and clear it.