Reviews and/or customer renders

Do you think it would be usefull to have reviews from buyers for the items in the shop and a place to submit your render using that item ?



  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,501


  • nemesis10 said:


    for any particualr reason ? 

  • dawnbladedawnblade Posts: 1,723

    For the second part, Install the Daz-Deals extension for your browser. Then when you look at a product, there will be a list of gallery entries that use that product (assuming that artists add tags to the products used in their renders).

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • dawnblade said:

    For the second part, Install the Daz-Deals extension for your browser. Then when you look at a product, there will be a list of gallery entries that use that product (assuming that artists add tags to the products used in their renders).

    ahh, ok, I didn't know that existed  

  • KrzysztofaKrzysztofa Posts: 226

    Via the Daz Deals plugin we _sort_ of have a review system: you look at an item, and then Daz Deals lets you know there is a forum thread where people are complaining about how bad it is, etc. It's imperfect, but its better than the default daz store experience.

    I typically just buy an item if I'm considering it, and then return it if its junk. Daz makes returns/refunds very simple.

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