Where is "Add Push Modifier" gone???

dissentrixdissentrix Posts: 70
edited June 2021 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi, since the newest update, my DAZ interface is all changed; I don't really mind as long as I can find the old elements - but where have the "add push modifier" and "smoothing modifier" options gone? All there is in "Edit/Object" is "Change Parent", while "Edit/Figure" only has "Fit To", "Inverse Kinematics", "Move To Floor", "Symmetry" and "Bake To Transforms". Where are all the options?

EDIT: Never mind. Something got screwed-up somewhere in the workspace, but I loaded my saved layout and it fixed everything. Sorry for the useless query, I really should've tried that first.

Post edited by dissentrix on


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    If you haven't saved your layout, you could try, from the main menu, Window -> Workspace -> Update and Merge Menus.

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