Exporting objs from DAZ problem

I am using the Daz Studio 4.15 and up until several minutes ago I could export objs from DAZ Studio just fine.  It will still let me export an individual selected item.  But it will not longer export multiple items.  Instead I get an empy obj.  I have tried highlighting all items I want to export and it only exports the last item.  Since I was working on a model and had assembled the parts in DS to check them and wanted to merge them as a single obj (and have done so many times in the past) now I cannot do that and I am not sure what to check.  I have rebooted my computer.  Cleared the user Data folder and even uninstalled and installed DAZ 4.15 with DIM.  It did not fix the problem.  Anyone else run into this before and know a fix?




  • Do you have Filter Objects checked in the options dialogue?

  • shadownetshadownet Posts: 28

    Richard, thanks for replying.  No, I do not have Fliter Objects checked.  Now here is the werid part, it started working again.  I kept trying different export options and finally one of them worked.  Then when I tried the DAZ export option again, this time it worked and so far so good. I have no idea what caused it to stop working or start working again but it is so I am good to go.  I appreciate you taking the time to help.


  • ProspectorProspector Posts: 54
    edited June 2021

    I have just run into that today. If you dont remember what steps got it to work again, can you post a pic of export panel so I can see if any buttons need checking/unchecking. Been playoing with buttons for 10 hours now and nothing seems to work.Every file is less than 7 bytes and all exported textures are named but 0 bytes. I don't even see a filter objects to check or uncheck.

    Post edited by Prospector on
  • shadownetshadownet Posts: 28

    Here is a screen shot of the export settings.  I am trying to rememember what I did.  I know I tried different export presets, like 3Dmax, Modo, Poser, Modo, etc.  None of that worked.   At some point instead of showing Daz Studio export (or the last one I tried in the To: section it showed Custom.  I changed that back to Daz Studio and tried again and that time it worked and has been working ever since.  Again, no idea why it stopped working or why it started back up.  I really hope you can get it working again soon thought.


    Screenshot 2021-06-23 083331.jpg
    1368 x 942 - 130K
  • ProspectorProspector Posts: 54

    My bad. Sorry.  I have been so frustrated trying to figure this out I totally missed that your doing OBJ files. Mine did the same thing with FBX exports. Worked sending out 1 file and everything after that does not work. Weird how it can work on 1 and without changing anything (I'm pretty sure) not 1 thing will work after that. Well, back to pulling my hair out till I figure what happened. Hopefully mine will also just go back to working like yours did :)

  • You might try Sagan. Just mark all the objects/surfaces you want as dynamic and they'll be exported as Wavefront objects. Sagan is optimized specifically to export to Blender, so if you're exporting somewhere else, you may have to rotate/mirror the object and flip its normals.

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