K.H.Image studios please update V8.1!

Please PM me if you're on the forums, I will pay $100 for an update!
To the mods, is there any way I could contact this PA?
As I am highly motivated with getting this figure updated by this excellent product, and if you haven't already please hire out this PA!
EDIT: BrAiN FaRt, I thought I edited this post already, the product I'm referring to is K.H.Image studios Ultimate Pose Morph series...
Post edited by takezo_3001 on
Ok... I bit....
for the Curious
Yeah, I use these morphs by default, I just wish they'd finish/start work on V8.1 already! EDIT: Sorry I did not include the link, but a lot of people know what I was referring to as I brought up these threads often!
What needs updating?
Sorry, I should have been more clear! Its ultimate pose morphs for the genesis characters
These should all work fine on G8.1
For genesis 8/8.1 yes, but not for Victoria 8.1... I already tried it, and it doesn't work, much like the previous Victoria 8's UBM, it will not work for genesis 8, as they're character-specific morphs, which is why I'm specifically requesting a Victoria 8.1 version.
I tried applying and modifying genesis 8's UBM in ZBrush for Victoria 8.1, but both models are frustratingly asymmetric which means you cannot simply mirror the Right/Left limbs because when you dial the limb's morph, you also get the opposite side of the torso as the entire model does not have the same sides like with the earlier models, and I don't have any idea how to mirror the raw morphed polys in ZBrush... there are virtually no tutorials that explain this that I have found.