Facial & Body Hair not showing on character (Material Blacked Out)

When I send over to Unreal I don't get the body, arm, facial, or head stubble showing on figure. I do get the materials in the list bit they are blacked out. The first photo is what it suppose to look like when rendered from Daz3d the 2nd photo is what it looks like in the Daz3d view port the 3rd photo is in Unreal engine. It looks like Unreal is rendering my character like the daz3d view port not the final daz3d render. My goal in the end it to try and make my character look as close as it can to daze3d for a movie im working on. This is not for gaming so quality is important.

768 x 1024 - 590K

Snap 2021-06-14 at 07.48.27.png
1102 x 973 - 899K

Snap 2021-06-14 at 07.24.43.png
1901 x 1023 - 1M
remember not everything which works on daz work on unreal, for exemple dforce hair/fur and i think strand based hairs don't work outside daz or neither get exported, stuffs like fibermesh have a high chance of not work in many cases, do not go buying everything at daz thinking which it "will work on unreal or even outside daz, with that in mind, check each stuff you are wanting to use from daz before buy or after buy.
Ok my friend thanks so much as always.I asked another question in the Daz3d General about the best way at doing all this. I did not want to post to you because I did not want to bother you with to much LOL
if you don't mind "painted body hair" this is a good option
in case you really want realistic hairs, then the majority wil be fibermesh or some will be strand based and most new ones will be dforce, the fibermesh have a chance of work or get exported, however they are "too killing machine for unreal engine since they are insane high poly"(fibermesh is aways really high poly) but probably you already are using fibermesh anyway and it's for movie then probably it will work, but remember unreal have a limit of how much high poly stuffs it can handle at same time, then having too much character with fibermesh at same time can be too demanding.
Thanks and that such good info to know. Off topic I am using Gen 8 male for this muscle guy can and should I update him to Gen 8.1. If I just work in Daz and not export. I may tray and stick in Daz more then I thought.