Historical accurate knight and/or cataphract armour (for HORSE)?

Before I start to reinvent the wheel, that is, build it myself, perhaps someone has already seen a prop or asset. I take also non-DAZ-ready suggestions, perhaps it can be converted rather easily...
What I'm looking for is something like this: https://www.pinterest.de/pin/322711129545784180/ or this https://www.pinterest.de/pin/338895940689668963/ - a full-body-horseclothing if you will ^^
Also, I'm searching the "old" version, the cataphract: https://alchetron.com/Cataphract
If not available, I will go onto building - any tips for this?
Best wishes
Post edited by Ryselle-Ryssa on
Historical accuracy isn't much in demand or sells as well as fantasy around here, but these are probably the closest to what you are looking for
What horse model would you be using? Daz Horse 2?
Might also try:
I don't remember seeing a caparison--a cover which would extend over most of the horse, like a 'horse cape'.
Thank you for your replies :-) I have nearly all of these assets, but none of them is quiete fitting ^^
So... Work in progress:
These shaders are pretty good... do you have or have you tried them?

Yes, I own those and I love them ♥
I have updraded the Cataphract tho and here it is in all its glory:
That is pretty cool, love the illustration look to the image. One note on composition, I would have moved the tree behind the camels head so it doesn't look like he has a mohawk, LOL
{um, hmmm ... if horsey is going to bite, its ears are back} {horsies don't like camels {camels stink} so it's hard to get horsies close to camels - can be done but it's not easy which usually translates into not too safe either} I was never here.
^^ Hehe, you are right, no I cannot unsee mowhawk camel :D
Thank you for the hint
I didn't knew that, for I was never one of the horse girls ^^ Since this isn't the last image with horsies I'm planning on, I have saved this info in my brain-harddrive :D
You're welcome. Have had time to watch quite a few horse videos, there is one series made by someone who really knows how to read a horse, "Think Like a Horse" - he's lived an interesting life so give leeway for his people attitudes ;-) There's another channel with the beautiful Friesian horses too - lots of walking and running about scenes.